Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This method creates and automatically starts an import process for the contacts listed in the xmlDoc parameter. You can use this method instead of calling a sequence of NewImportProcess and StartProcess methods. StartImportProcesses can also be used to update fields of an existing contact. 


Code Block
 Add recipients to multiple lists (one group per list)

In this example values are provided for both listsIDs and  listsGUIDs parameters (mandatory fields). Each of the parameters must have the same number of elements (separated by semi-colons). In this case, we are also specifying group 22 for list 1, and group 13 for list 2.

Code Block


The XML structure for each recipient needs to be consistent for all subscribers, and include empty tags for required values that are empty. When specifying the phone number for a recipient, the structure of your XML must match the mobileInputType parameter, where either the entire phone number is represented in a single attribute, or the prefix and number are represented in separate attributes. 

For example, if the mobileInputType parameter is set to 1,use the following XML structure:

Code Block
<!--Option 1: number and prefix in a single field (use mobileInputType=1)-->
<subscriber email="" Prefix="" Number="+0018889624587" Name="">

If the mobileInputType parameter is set to 2, use the following XML structure:

Code Block
<!--Option 2: number and prefix in separate fields (use mobileInputType=2)-->
<subscriber email="" Prefix="+001" Number="8889624587" Name="">

In case you also need to specify personal data fields an example is provided below 

  • Personal data fields shall be specified in progressive order and you shall also include empty fields. It is also recommended to use the same data structure (i.e. the same number of fields for each record, even if some fields are empty) for all subscribers. In case of update of an existing subscriber, the empty fields are handled as "don't change this field" when you specify 1, 2 or 3 as ImportType.
  • Do not exceed 50 characters for "email" field and 100 characters for "campo" fields (up to 200 characters are allowed if you use only 7-bit ASCII strings)
  • If you want to update an existing subscriber and clear one or more of its fields you shall use import type with value 4, 5, or 6; in this case any empty field in xmlDoc parameter resets the correspondent field on MailUp console account.
Code Block
  <subscriber email="" Prefix="" Number="" Name="">
    <campo3>Example Company</campo3>
    <campo4>Los Angeles</campo4>
    <campo5> </campo5>
    <campo9>555 Some Street</campo9>
  <!-- repeat for each recipient to import -->

You can use 0 and 1 in place of true and false for boolean parameter values.


titleUnsupported characters in subscribers fields

All field values are handled as strings, character '|' (pipe) is not allowed and may lead to "-402" error codes



Code Block

class MailUpWsImport {
  protected $ns = "";
  //replace <console host name> with the host name of your console
  protected $WSDLUrl = "http://<console host name>/services/WSMailUpImport.asmx?WSDL";
  protected $headers = array("User" => "user", "Password" => "password");
  protected $rCode;
  private $soapClient;
  private $xmlResponse;
  protected $domResult;

  function __construct() {
    $this->header = new SOAPHeader($this->ns, "Authentication", $this->headers);
    $this->soapClient = new SoapClient($this->WSDLUrl,array("trace"      => 1,"exceptions" => 0));

  function __destruct() {

  public function startImportProcesses($processData) {
    try {
      echo $processData."<br/><br/>";
    } catch (SoapFault $soapFault) {


$WsImport = new MailUpWsImport();
$xmlData = <<<EOT
<subscribers><subscriber email="" Prefix="+39" Number="3351234567" Name="Test">
<campo1>Luigi</campo1><campo2>Rossi</campo2><campo3>Rossi consulting</campo3><campo4>Parma2</campo4><campo5>PR</campo5>
<campo6>43102</campo6><campo7></campo7><campo8>ITA</campo8><campo9>Via Garibaldi, 1</campo9><campo10>0521123456</campo10>

$startImportProcessData = array(
  "listsIDs" => "4",
  "listsGUIDs" => "3c5cb08c-f0b5-4bd6-9c2a-b687ecdac8b4",
  "xmlDoc" => $xmlData,
  "groupsIDs" => "22",
  "importType" => "3",
  "mobileInputType" => "2",
  "asPending" => '0',
  "ConfirmEmail" => "0",
  "asOptOut" => "0",
  "forceOptIn" => "0",
  "replaceGroups" => "0"




Code Block
WSMailUpImport toTest = new WSMailUpImport();

Authentication auth = new Authentication();
auth.User = tbLoginUserImport.Text;
auth.Password = tbLoginPasswordImport.Text;
auth.encType = string.Empty;

toTest.AuthenticationValue = auth;

string xmlString = "<subscribers><subscriber email=\"\" Prefix=\"\" Number=\"\" Name=\"\"><campo1>Mike</campo1><campo2>Brown</campo2><campo3>Example Company</campo3><campo4>Los Angeles</campo4><campo5></campo5><campo6>90125</campo6><campo7>CA</campo7><campo8>US</campo8><campo9>555 Some Street</campo9><campo10></campo10><campo11>555-123-1234</campo11></subscriber></subscribers>";

string myListId = "8";
string myListGuid = "CC9C4CBD-567B-4248-B56F-7C8364F11C5";
string myGroupsIDs = "45";
int importType = 3;
int mobileInputType = 2;
bool asPending =  false;
bool ConfirmEmail =  false;
bool asOptOut =  false;
bool forceOptIn =  false;
bool replaceGroups =  false;
string retVal = toTest.StartImportProcesses(myListId ,myListGuid, xmlString, myGroupsIDs, importType, mobileInputType, asPending , ConfirmEmail, asOptOut, forceOptIn, replaceGroups);
