Single Sign-On is not enabled by default for every platform. Are you interested in it? Would you like your integration to provide direct access to MailUp? Please, contact the MailUp API team for further information.

If you need to know how to create a token, visists this page Authenticating with OAuth v2 searching for the "“Resource Owner Password Grant" paragraph


Create a temporary single sign-on URL to log in to your platform as the user provided during the authentication call.

The response contains two fields:

  • the first represents the link to access your platform: embed it in your website!
  • the second represents the validity period of your token; when the token expires, you cannot access your platform using the single sign-on login URL provided.
ReferenceGo to automated doc
JSON request (example)none
JSON response (example)

200 Ok
    "Link": {
        "href": "https://<your_platform_url>/Console/Login.aspx?Code=1W1c3W2U3e1M1k1R3A3M2K3X2w1U2G2h0d163T1...",
        "rel": "self"
    "ExpiresIn": 600

403 Forbidden

    "ErrorCode": "403",
    "ErrorDescription": "Authorization error: You cannot generate the MailUp platform login url due to permission issue. Please, contact MailUp for further information.",
    "ErrorName": "Forbidden",
    "ErrorStack": null

Paging and filtering (example)