
MailUp can be easily integrated with any web analytics system. Just create the campaign within the web analytics system (e.g. "newsletter"), copy its tracking code (e.g. ?39du3h24w8e3), and paste it into the system. You have different options to do so. Specifically, you can:

At the message level, you will find this feature when opening the advanced options menu on the MailUp message editor page. In the editor, first, click on "Advanced"...

... then locate the area called "Automated link tracking"...

... and enter the code that will allow you to track your campaign. This changes depending on which Web analytics tracking system you are using.

The most popular one is Google Analytics, and therefore in this document, we will focus on that (we also wrote a blog post on this topic: Google Analytics campaign tracking in MailUp).

Google Analytics

Creating the tracking URL

You can easily add the tracking code provided by Google Analytics in the box "Add these parameters to all links". The tracking code must be pasted omitting the "?" at the beginning. e.g.: 





The campaign tracking code will then automatically be added to all links (assuming that link tracking is active).

More on this...

Editing the query string for future mailings

Of course, for the next newsletter you will not need to use the URL Builder again but rather can simply change the campaign name. That is: the only difference in the query string to be added as a custom link parameter would be the following:


... will become:


Other notes


ConversionLab has a special connection with MailUp so that you don't need to open the web analytics system to get the tracking code to be pasted in the box shown above. By clicking the green button "Track with ConversionLab", MailUp connects with ConversionLab to automatically get campaigns and templates, with their specific tracking codes. The tracking code is not added to all the links in the message, because this may result in excessively long links, besides causing problems with antispam systems. The tracking code is added to the link processing page, before redirecting to the target URL.

This is how it works: