The "Pending" group contains all recipients who have yet to complete the double opt-in or reactivation process.

In the MailUp platform, the recipients are indicated with the term "pending":

Suspended for inactive recipient management

The inactive recipient management section allows you to disengage those recipients who did not respond to your prior re-engagement campaign(s).

Inactive recipients, when the option is active, receive an automatic reactivation message. As soon as they receive this message, the recipients are momentarily moved into the suspended recipients. At this point, they will be able to:

Suspended for not having completed the double opt-in process

A high number of pending recipients is an indication of a non-optimal registration confirmation message.

We recommend checking that:

Resend the request for confirmation of registration to the pending recipients

What you can do if you have many pending recipients is to send them back the confirmation email.

To do so, follow this procedure:

  1. (optional) From Configurations> List settings> Notifications, create a new confirmation email, inserting a link or a request confirmation button with the editor
  2. export suspended recipients by going to Recipients> Export, selecting "Pending" in the "Email Status" drop-down menu, and clicking "Export" at the bottom of the page;
  3. When the export is complete, save the file on your computer and unzip it;
  4. import the pending recipients again;
    1. go to Recipients> Import and select "Import CSV / TXT";
    2. in the first screen, upload the file you previously exported, select it and click "Next";
    3. in the second step, click on "Advanced" and check the option "Send confirmation email", where "Default" should be selected or an email previously created (see point 1).
  5. Once the import is complete, the pending recipients will receive a new confirmation email.


This operation is not recommended in cases where the registration form is not adequately protected, for example through CAPTCHA systems, as it could increase the likelihood of reports of abuse from users who have received the registration confirmation message but have not filled it in volunteer.