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This web service allows to map in MailUp - using groups and lists - the recipients contained in a third party application, and also allows the external system to access the sending details of MailUp mailings. So MailUp can handle the segmentation of recipients already existent in the third party system, as well as sendings to recipients subscribed to multiple lists.


WS_MailUpImport checks the following parameters in order to authenticate requests:

  • WS username* (predefined for a specific MailUp console)
  • WS password* (to be set in the MailUp console)
  • Sender IP address (third party application)

*different from the credentials used to access the console


Authentication fails if:

  • MailUp API is off;
  • username and/or password are incorrect;
  • the IP address of the third party application has changed since the last successful access. The IP address can be manually changed in the MailUp console.