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Method parameters


  • string SendSingleNewsletter(string accessKey, int listID, string subject, string type, string content, string recipientEmail, Option[] options)
  • accessKey: access key obtained using the Login method
  • listID: list identifier. Lists and corresponding IDs can be obtained calling the GetLists Method
  • subject: subject of the email message
  • type: type of message text source (HTML, URL, FILE, TEXT, ID)
  • content: message text source, depending on the type:
    • type = HTML, content is the HTML code of the message
    • type = TEXT, content is the PLAIN-TEXT of the message
    • type = URL, content is the url from which to draw the HTML code of the message
    • type = FILE, content is a byte array from which to draw the HTML code of the message
    • type = ID, content is the identifier of the newsletter to be sent
  • options: an array of key/value pairs for options setting. A subset of the options listed for the CreateNewsletter Method and SendNewsletter Method is available for this method as well.
    • note: a string containing notes about the message
    • dyn_fld: boolean value to enable/disable the use of dynamic fields in the message (dyn_fld=true, dyn_fld=false)
    • emb_img: boolean value to enable/disable the use of embedded images in the message (emb_img=true, emd_img=false)
    • link_track: boolean value to enable/disable the use of link tracking in the message (link_trcak=true, link_track=false). If link_track=true and no other option is specified among track_http, track_https, track_mailto, track_ftp, track_news, tracking of all protocols is activated. In order to disable a protocol, specify the corresponding parameter
    • track_http: boolean value to enable/disable the use of http protocol tracking in the message (track_http=true, track_http=false)
    • track_https: boolean value to enable/disable the use of HTTPS protocol tracking in the message (track_https=true, track_https=false)
    • track_mailto: boolean value to enable/disable the use of MAILTO protocol tracking in the message (track_mailto=true, track_mailto=false)
    • track_ftp: boolean value to enable/disable the use of FTP protocol tracking in the message (track_ftp=true, track_ftp=false)
    • track_news: boolean value to enable/disable the use of NEWS protocol tracking in the message (track_news=true, track_news=false)
    • link_params: a string allowing to specify additional parameters for tracked links
    • body_code: a string containing a personalized code for the <body> tag
    • header: a string containing a personalized code for the <header> tag
    • conf_msg: boolean value to mark the message used as a subscription confirmation
    • attach<nn>_data = base64 file encoding
    • attach<nn>_name = filename
    • from_email: a string containing the sender email address. If not specified, the default value for the list will be used
    • from_name: a string containing the sender name. If not specified, the default value for the list will be used
    • campo1… campo<nn> = it is possible to  you can indicate one or more personal data fields to be updated for the recipient of this message. They work exactly like as in the SendNewsletter Method, but referred to a single recipient: as a consequence, the character ";" is not required as a separator
