Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This method creates and automatically starts an import process for the contacts listed in the xmlDoc parameter. You can use this method instead of calling a sequence of NewImportProcess and StartProcess methods. StartImportProcesses can also be used to update fields of an existing contact. Please note that, while updating, empty parameters are handled as "do not update this field", not as "overwrite with an empty value".

Method signature

public string StartImportProcesses(string listsIDs, string listsGUIDs, string xmlDoc, string groupsIDs,
int importType, int mobileInputType, bool asPending, bool ConfirmEmail, bool asOptOut, bool forceOptIn, bool replaceGroups) This method creates and automatically starts an import process for the contacts listed in the xmlFeed. The system will then automatically create a confirmation newsletter based on a default template.



Method parameters

Mandatory fields must be specified even when they are empty. Optional fields (can be skipped if you want to use the default value) are written in in blue. 

  • listsIDs: list identifiers (even more than one, comma separated)
  • listsGUIDs: GUID of the list (even more than one, comma separated)
  • xmlDoc: XML string containing the contacts recipients to be imported (see paragraph "XML feedstructure" below)
  • groupsIDsgroup identifiers separated by comma (more than a group for each list is possible)
  • importType: import type (default value=3)
  • mobileInputType: mobile number input type (see paragraph "XML feed" below)
    • 1= include international code
    • 2=international code and phone number in two different fields
  • asPendingsubscribes users as pending, if true (default value=false)
  • ConfirmEmailsends confirmation request email (default value=false). When "true" the system will then automatically create a confirmation newsletter based on a default template.
  • asOptOutimports users as unsubscribed (default value=false)
  • forceOptInforces subscription of users recipients(default value=false), even when updating unsubscribed recipients.
  • replaceGroupsreplaces groups (default value=false)

How to use the parameters listsIDs, listsGUIDs e groupsIDs

  • Specify lists


  • . When "true" the system will then automatically remove previously subscribed groups and keeps only the settings specified in "groupsIDs" field.
Below you can find details and examples.

Lists and groups

At least one between listsIDs and listsGUIDs must contain a value. If you specify both fields IDs and GUIDs must match. You may specify more than one list, separated by semicolon (e.g. listsIDs = "84;85;86" to import contacts to lists 84, 85, 86

  • Specify list GUIDs

listsGUIDs = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx;xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx;xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

  • Specify the groups for each list

The contacts will be imported to list 84 and to groups 12,13
The contacts will be imported to list 85 and to group 23
The contacts will be imported to list 86 but no specific group 

groupsIDs = "12,13;23;0"


). See example below.

Code Block
titleLists and groups (example)
<!--listsIDs, listsGUIDs and groupsIDs shall always be arrays with the same length (even when fields are empty)-->
<!--Add to list 1 (no groups, both ID and GUID are specified)-->
<!--Add to list 1 (group 22, only list ID is specified)-->
<!--Add to list 1 (groups 22 and 23, only list GUID is specified)-->
<!--Use comma to separate groups that belong to the same list-->
<!--Add to list 1 (group 22) and to list 2 (group 13)-->
<!--Add to list 1 (no group) and to list 2 (no group). A semicolon has to be specified for groupsIDs field -->
<!--Add to list 1 (groups 22 and 23) and to list 2 (group 13). GUID is not specified-->
<!--Use comma to separate groups that belong to the same list and semicolon for groups that belong to different lists-->

XML structure

It is recommended that you specify the same ordered list for all the recipients to be imported/updated, also including the fields that are not to be set. 

Phone numbers are to be specified in the same format for all recipients in xmlDoc parameter using one of the following options:

Code Block
<!--Option 1: number and prefix in a single field (use mobileInputType=1)-->
<subscriber email="" Prefix="" Number="+0018889624587" Name="">
<!--Option 2: number and prefix in separate fields (use mobileInputType=2)-->
<subscriber email="" Prefix="+001" Number="8889624587" Name="">

An example of XML structure for importing subscribers is shown here:

Code Block
     		<subscriber email="" Prefix="" Number="" Name="">
      			<campo3>Example Consultancy</campo3>      		
      			<campo4>Los Angeles</campo4>
			<campo5> </campo5>
			<campo9>711 NW High St </campo9>
     		<subscriber email="" Prefix="" Number="" Name="">
      			<campo4>Oklahoma City</campo4>
			<campo9>100 West Reno Avenue</campo9>
     		<subscriber email="" Prefix="" Number="" Name="">


Optional fields

Optional fields can be omitted. Numeric values 0 and 1 can be used instead of false and true.


A 500 Error is returned if they are specified with an empty value (e.g. <asOptOut /> or  <asOptOut></asOptOut>).


SOAP Examples

<mailupMessage>     <mailupBody>         <ReturnCode>0</ReturnCode>         <processes>             <process>                 <processID>0</processID>                 <listID>84</listID>                 <ReturnCode>-410</ReturnCode> </process>             <process>                 <processID>18</processID>                 <listID>85</listID>                 <ReturnCode>0</ReturnCode> </process>             <process>                 <processID>19</processID>                 <listID>86</listID>                 <ReturnCode>0</ReturnCode> </process>         </processes>     </mailupBody> </mailupMessage>
Code Block
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="">
            		&lt;subscriber email=&quot;; Prefix=&quot;&quot; Number=&quot;&quot; Name=&quot;&quot;&gt;
        	        	&lt;campo3&gt;Example Consultancy&lt;/campo3&gt;            
	        	        &lt;campo4&gt;Los Angeles&lt;/campo4&gt;
        			&lt;campo5&gt; &lt;/campo5&gt;
        			&lt;campo9&gt;711 NW High St &lt;/campo9&gt;
			&lt;subscriber email=&quot;; Prefix=&quot;&quot; Number=&quot;&quot; Name=&quot;&quot;&gt;
        		        &lt;campo4&gt;Oklahoma City&lt;/campo4&gt;
			        &lt;campo9&gt;100 West Reno Avenue&lt;/campo9&gt;
			&lt;subscriber email=&quot;; Prefix=&quot;&quot; Number=&quot;&quot; Name=&quot;&quot;&gt;
         <!--Mandatory fields:--> 


Here below you can find an example of the response that is returned by StartImportProcess method. Response may contain more than one "process" item, depending on how many lists were specified as input parameters

Code Block
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
	<StartImportProcessesResponse xmlns="">
		<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>

Error codes

Error codeDescription
-200unrecognized error (it is likely that a mandatory parameter is missing)
-400unrecognized error
-401xmlDoc is empty
-402convert xml to csv failed
-403create new import process failed
-410can not create confirmation email
-450listsIDs and listsGUIDs must contain the same number of elements
-600unrecognized error
-601an import process is already running for the list
-602an import process is already running for a different list
-603error checking process status
-604error starting the process job

XML feed

The XML structure for importing subscribers is shown below:

Code Block
<subscriber email="" Prefix="+001" Number="8889624587" Name="">
<campo1>first name</campo1>
<campo2>last name</campo2>
<campo3>Nweb SRL</campo3>

Phone numbers can be specified in two ways:

  • Single field
Code Block
<subscriber email="" Prefix="" Number="+0018889624587" Name="">
  • Two fields
Code Block
<subscriber email="" Prefix="+001" Number="8889624587" Name="">

Code examples

Ruby Example

Code Block
# Refer to for gem information.
require 'mailup'
m ='username', 'password', 'console_url')
m.start_import_processes(:idList => 123456, :listGuid => 123456, :xmlDoc => "XML_STRING", ...)
# => <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"windows-1252\" ?><mailupMessage><mailupBody><ReturnCode>0</ReturnCode><processes>...</processes></mailupBody></mailupMessage>


PHP Example

Code Block
class MailUpWsImport {
	protected $ns = "";
	//replace <console host name> with the host name of your console
	protected $WSDLUrl = "http://<console host name>/services/WSMailUpImport.asmx?WSDL";
	protected $headers = array("User" => "user", "Password" => "password");
	protected $rCode;
	private $soapClient;
	private $xmlResponse;
	protected $domResult;

	function __construct() {
		$this->header = new SOAPHeader($this->ns, "Authentication", $this->headers);
		$this->soapClient = new SoapClient($this->WSDLUrl,array("trace"      => 1,"exceptions" => 0));
	function __destruct() {
	public function startImportProcesses($processData) {
		try {
			echo $processData."<br/><br/>";
		} catch (SoapFault $soapFault) {	
$WsImport = new MailUpWsImport();

$xmlData = <<<EOT
<subscribers><subscriber email="" Prefix="+39" Number="3351234567" Name="Test">
<campo1>Luigi</campo1><campo2>Rossi</campo2><campo3>Rossi consulting</campo3><campo4>Parma2</campo4><campo5>PR</campo5>
<campo6>43102</campo6><campo7></campo7><campo8>ITA</campo8><campo9>Via Garibaldi, 1</campo9><campo10>0521123456</campo10>

$startImportProcessData = array("listsIDs" => "4", 
				"listsGUIDs" => "3c5cb08c-f0b5-4bd6-9c2a-b687ecdac8b4",
				"xmlDoc" => $xmlData,
				"groupsIDs" => "22",
				"importType" => "3",
				"mobileInputType" => "2",
				"asPending" => '0',
				"ConfirmEmail" => "0",
				"asOptOut" => "0",
				"forceOptIn" => "0",
				"replaceGroups" => "0");

