Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titleEmailsRead (request)
		<!-- Use jQuery library (and also jquery.jsonp if you choose option#1 -->
		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.jsonp-2.3.1.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			var wcfServiceUrl = ""
			var method = "/EmailsRead" //method name
			<!-- fake tokens are here hardwired only to provide a fast example, please note that you cannot retrieve access token using JSONP-enabled methods --> 
			var token = "MjgWW1YBsBuqRCoAjGXK0Ov/9yJh7sClj9SSweAhcGgEqTw8tP6vyYVDE+acjiUG3nBSPtBXs0lTGNDp";
			var tokenEncoded = "MjgWW1YBsBuqRCoAjGXK0Ov%2f9yJh7sClj9SSweAhcGgEqTw8tP6vyYVDE%2bacjiUG3nBSP";
			var idList = "1";
			<!-- Option#1: a proper error handling is here implemented, token has to be encoded -->
			function processWithJsonpCallback() {
					"url": wcfServiceUrl + method + "?token=" + tokenEncoded + "&idlist=" + idList,
					callback: "myServiceResponse",
					callbackParameter: "callback",
					"success": function(result) {
					"error": function(d,msg) {
			<!-- Option#2: token has not to be encoded, only basic error handling is implemented -->
			function processWithAjaxJquery() {
					type: "GET",
					url: wcfServiceUrl + method,
					data: { token: tokenEncoded, idlist: idList, format: "json"},
					contentType: "application/json; charset=uft-8",
					dataType: "jsonp",
					jsonpCallback: "processData",
					statusCode: { 400: $("#error").append("Bad Request (400). Request cannot be completed.") },
					error: function(XHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
					success: processData
			<!-- Option#3: a proper error handling is here implemented, token has to be enconded -->
			function processWithGetJson() {
				$.getJSON(wcfServiceUrl + method + "?callback=?&token=" + tokenEncoded + "&idlist=" + idList + "&format=json'", null, function (results) {
			<!-- Option#4: use this solution if you want to call method on page load, token has to be enconded -->
			function jsonpCall(url) {                 
				var script = document.createElement("script");        
			<!-- Callback function (mandatory) -->
			function processData(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
				var $responseList = $('#responseList');
				$.each(data, function () {
					$responseList.appendLi(this.Id + " - " + this.Subject); 
			(function($) {
				$.fn.appendLi = function(text) {
					return $(this).each(function() {
						$(this).append($('<li />').text(text));
		<!-- Remove comment below if you choose option#4 -->
		<script type="text/javascript" defer="true">jsonpCall(wcfServiceUrl + method + "?callback=processData&token=" + tokenEncoded + "&idlist=" + idList);</script>
		<input type="button" id="btnJsonpCallBack" onclick="processWithJsonpCallback()" value="Test WebService With Jsonp Library" />
		<br />
		<input type="button" id="btnCallWSJQAjax" onclick="processWithAjaxJquery()" value="Test WebService With Ajax Jquery" />
		<br />
		<input type="button" id="btnCallWSJQGeJson" onclick="processWithGetJson()" value="Test WebService With getJson" />
		<br />
		<ul id="responseList">
		<br />
		<span id="error" style="color:#bf0000;font-weight:bold;"></span>

Response invokes callback function passing a JSON object as parameter

Code Block
titleEmailsRead (response)
processData([{"Id":2,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Newsletter di Prova - LEGGIMI -"},{"Id":3,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Richiesta non ancora confermata"},{"Id":4,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Newsletter di Prova - LEGGIMI -(Copia)"},{"Id":6,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Newsletter Esempio per vedere i grafici"},{"Id":7,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Prova Invio Da WS"},{"Id":8,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Oggetto: [nome]"},{"Id":9,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Distinto [nome] [cognome]"},{"Id":10,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Prova creato da WS Fast"},{"Id":12,"IdList":1,"Subject":"test"},{"Id":14,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Prova creato da WS Fast"},{"Id":15,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Prova creato da WS Fast"},{"Id":16,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Test"},{"Id":17,"IdList":1,"Subject":"invio di prova"},{"Id":18,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Iscrizione da confermare!"},{"Id":19,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Iscrizione da confermare!"},{"Id":20,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Iscrizione da confermare!"},{"Id":21,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Iscrizione da confermare!"},{"Id":22,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Iscrizione da confermare!"},{"Id":23,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Iscrizione da confermare!"},{"Id":24,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Iscrizione da confermare!"},{"Id":25,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Iscrizione da confermare!"},{"Id":26,"IdList":1,"Subject":"Iscrizione da confermare!"}]);