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  • int SendMessageNL(string accessKey, string fileName, string separator, string listId, string listGuid, string messageId, string senderName, string sender, string subject, DateTime timeDateSending, intsendDelayTest)
    • accessKey: access key obtained using the LoginFromId method
    • fileName: name of the CSV files containing the recipients of the message
    • separator: separating character used in the CSV file. If null or empty, the character ';' will be used by default.
    • listId: list identifier
    • listGuid: GUID of the list in MailUp
    • messageId: ID of the message to be sent
    • senderName: name of the sender of the message. If null or empty, the system will use the default name for the list.
    • sender: indirizzo email del mittente del Messaggio. If null or empty, the system will use the default address for the list. If no default sender has been defined for the list, the sending does not start.
    • subject: subject of the message
    • timeDateSending: date and time of scheduled sending
    • sendDelayTest: desired delay for the immediate sendingno more used, always set to zero.

Parameters listGuid listId can be used together or alternatively, passing one of them as null or empty: in the first case the list is verified using both parameters, otherwise using only the provided parameter.



SendMessageNL is often the best option for a fast bulk import and sending but users should be aware of some known limitations

 The combination of the parameters timeDateSending and sendDelayTest determines the date of the scheduled sending 

TimeDateSending parameter can assume the following values:

  • If date and time refer to the past the sending is handled as an Immediate sending. Minimum delay depends on the value provided by sendDelayTest parameter.
  • If date and time indicate a time in the future then the sending is handled as a Scheduled sending

SendDelayTest is considered only if the value provided by timeDateSending parameter indicates an Immediate sending.

This parameter can assume the following values:

  • = or < 0. In this case the delay of the immediate sending is a fixed value defined in MailUp (setup takes 20 minutes).
  • > 0. The delay of the immediate sending is the value assumed by the parameter.






Scheduled sending date in MailUp


value <= current date (Immediate sending)


sendDelayTest > 0


current date + sendDelayTest


value <= current date (Immediate sending)


sendDelayTest <= 0


current date + fixed value in MailUp


value > current date (Scheduled sending)


sendDelayTest > 0




value > current date (Scheduled sending)


sendDelayTest <= 0



The method returns

  • the ID of the sending
  • -1 in case the operation is not completed successfully (e.g. due to incorrect parameters or system failure).
