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Code Block
titlePHP - Sending email using SMTP+
//Include the PHPmailer class.                 
//PHPmailer allows you to create and  transport an email an email message.                   
//The PHPmailer class is available at this address:
require_once "class.phpmailer.php";
$EmailMessage = new PHPmailer(); 
$EmailMessage->SetLanguage('en','language/'); 	//Define the language

//SMTP configuration
$EmailMessage->IsSMTP();      	//Specify usage of SMTP Server
$EmailMessage->Host = ""; 	//SMTP+ Server address 
$EmailMessage->Port="25";   	//SET the SMTP Server port               
$EmailMessage->Username = "smtpplus_username";    	//SMTP+ authentication: username 
$EmailMessage->Password = "smtpplus_password";    	//SMTP+ authentication: password       
$EmailMessage->SMTPAuth = true;    	//Authentication required

//Email data
$EmailMessage->IsHTML(true); 	//Set the email format
$EmailMessage->FromName= "myname"; 	//From: display name
$EmailMessage->From=""; 	//From: email address
$EmailMessage->AddAddress("");       	//Add one or more recipients
$EmailMessage->Subject="My first email sent via SMTP+"; 	//Set the email subject
$EmailMessage->Body="<b>Hello,<b><br/>This is my first email.";      	//Set the email body
$EmailMessage->AltBody="Hello, This is my first email..";	//Set the email text part
//Send the email
echo "<h1>Error sending the email.</h1>"; 	//Email was not sent
echo "Email has been sent"; 	//Mail sent
