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The majority of the functions described here applies to the email channel only.

Cancellation must be intended as the "unsubscription" of a user (change of subscription status), not as removal from the List (deletion of customer record).

Cancellation procedures for text messages (sms) are limited to the unsubscription of a user manually performed in the administration console and the import of a list of users to be unsubscribed from a list.

Handling e-mail channel unsubscriptions is of paramount importance in order to guarantee the highest deliverability rates possible, i.e. to prevent sent messages from being flagged as spam.

For further details please see the following articles in the MailUp Knowledge Base:

Unsubscription can be explicitly requested by the user or it could be "implicit", e.g. forced by MailUp in case of hard bounces. The first type of cancellation can be handled in two ways:

  1. Cancellation outside MailUp
  2. Cancellation handled through the MailUp system

For additional details about "implicit" unsubscription, please see this article about bounce management in MailUp.There are many ways to unsubscribe a recipient in MailUp:

  • The recipient may unsubscribe directly using the unsubscribe link that you have provided in the email message itself
  • You may manually unsubscribe a recipient in the admin console
  • You can bulk-unsubscribe recipients when importing recipients
  • You can unsubscribe recipients using a simple call to unsubscribe.aspx
  • You can use methods of the SOAP API
  • You can use methods of the REST API (do a search for the word unsubscribe on that page)
  • You can use Webhooks triggered by an unsubscribe event happened somewhere else in MailUp (e.g. another List, or another MailUp account)

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