Versions Compared


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Confirmed opt-in for single subscriber (synchronous)
  • POST Console/List/{ListID}/Recipient?ConfirmEmail=true to add a new subscriber to the specified list with the "Confirmed Optin" option. Recipient is added as "pending" and a confirmation request email is automatically sent.
  • POST Console/Group/{GroupID}/Recipient?ConfirmEmail=true the same as above but in this case recipient either added to specified group and subscribed to the list that the specified group belongs to.

Confirmed opt-in for multiple subscribers (asynchronous)

  • POST Console/List/{ListID}/Recipients?ConfirmEmail=true to add a list of subscribers to the specified list with the "Confirmed Optin" option. Recipients are added as "pending" and a confirmation request email is queued but not automatically sent
  • POST Console/Group/{GroupID}/Recipients?ConfirmEmail=true the same as above but in this case recipient recipients are either added to specified group and subscribed to the list that the specified group belongs to.
  • GET Console/Import/{id_import}/Sending: read the ID of the sending that has been created when adding recipients with "Confirmed Optin" option set as 'true'
  • POST Console/Email/Sendings/{id_Sending}/Immediate: perform immediate sending (i.e. send as soon as possible)
  • POST Console/Email/Sendings/{id_Sending}/Deferred: perform scheduled sending (i.e. send at specified date and time)

Bulk unsubscription

  • POST Console/List/{ListID}/Recipients?importType='asOptout' to "import as unsubscribed" a list of specified recipients. Unsubscribe applies also to recipients that were previously present as "subscribed" on MailUp console account

Queue management

  • GET Console/Email/Sendings/Immediate: Read from sending queue the list of email messages that are placed into the "immediate sending" queue.
  • GET Console/Email/Sendings/DeferredRead from sending queue the list of messages that have been scheduled.
  • GET Console/Email/Sendings/Undefined: Read from sending queue the list of messages that are neither scheduled nor added to "immediate sending" queue. 
  • GET Console/Email/Sending/{id_Sending}/Deferred: Retrieve the earliest date to schedule the given sending task.

Scheduled sending

  • POST Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/Send?datetime='1994-11-05T13:15:30Z' (use UTC time zone)
