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Requesting a Developer Account

There are two ways to request a Developer Account.

From the Web

From within the MailUp admin console

Select "Build your own MailUp application" on the bottom of Settings > Account settings > Developer's corner > Integrations web page

Confirming your request

Once you submit the form, you will receive a confirmation email. Click in the link in the email to confirm the request and activate your MailUp Developer Account.

Getting your API keys

Log into your new MailUp developer account and click on "Developer" in the left-side navigation to /wiki/spaces/mailupapi/pages/36340583.

What's a MailUp Developer Account?

Developers that wish to leverage MailUp for their email and SMS communication needs can request a Developer Account to develop and test applications that integrate with MailUp.

  • Unlike free trial accounts, developer accounts don't expire
  • They do have sending limitations like free trial accounts (they are not for use in a production environment)
  • They allow you to /wiki/spaces/mailupapi/pages/36340583 to developer an application that uses the MailUp Rest API

Why do I have to use a Developer Account?

  • To obtain application keys
  • To test your application
  • To maintain a staging environment where you can test future versions of your application
  • To submit your application for review, if you want it to be featured on the Integrations page of MailUp platforms

Submitting your app

If you have developed an integration and want it to be featured inside our integrations page, available on all platforms, just submit it for review. Please fill in all the requested information, as this will speed up our approval process.

Do not submit your integration if it's for internal use or testing purposes (i.e. the integration will work properly anyway).

Why application keys separate from account credentials?

Because the system is set up to allow for a scenario where the same application is used by many MailUp users.

Therefore, it separates the concepts of authorization and authentication.

  • The application is authorized using the API keys
  • The user of the application is authenticated using its MailUp account credentials