Versions Compared


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On this page:


Now that you know what we need to create your new list, let's create it!


Quick list creation

DescriptionCreate a new list

Go to automated doc

JSON request (example)
  • Inherit missing values from a specified list (i.e., list identifier equals to 14)
Code Block
   "Name":"New Arrivals",
   "DisplayAs":"Your sender name",
   "NLSenderName": "Your list name",
   "CompanyName":"Your company",
   "ContactName":"Your name",
   "Address":"Your address",
   "City":"Your city",
   "PermissionReminder":"Your permission reminder",
   "WebSiteUrl":"Your site",
  • Inherit missing values from default settings. they are the values used to create the first list (with identifier equals to 1)
Code Block
   "Name":"New Arrivals",
   "DisplayAs":"Your sender name",
   "NLSenderName": "Your list name",
   "CompanyName":"Your company",
   "ContactName":"Your name",
   "Address":"Your address",
   "City":"Your city",
   "PermissionReminder":"Your permission reminder",
   "WebSiteUrl":"Your site",


JSON response (example)
Code Block
  "IdList": 19,
  "ListGuid": "57f9c675-63d6-498f-91b6-7f60f9f30b2e",
  "Name": "New Arrivals",
  "Description": "",
  "NLSenderName": "Your list name",
  "OwnerEmail": "",
  "PermissionReminder": "Your permission reminder",
  "Address": "Your address",
  "Business": true,
  "City": "Your city",
  "CompanyName": "Your company",
  "ContactName": "Your name",
  "CountryCode": "IT",
  "Customer": true,
  "DisplayAs": "Your sender name",
  "Phone": "",
  "PostalCode": "",
  "ReplyTo": "",
  "StateOrProvince": "",
  "WebSiteUrl": ""
  "BouncedEmail": null,
  "Charset": "UTF-8",
  "ConversionlabTrackCode": "",
  "DefaultPrefix": "0039",
  "Disclaimer": "Per l'informativa sulla privacy D.Lgs 196/2003 visitare l'home page del sito. <br/> Policy AntiSPAM garantita da <a href=\"\" target=_blank><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" /></a>",
  "Format": "html",
  "FrontendForm": true,
  "HeaderListUnsubscriber": "<[listunsubscribe]>,<[mailto_uns]>",
  "HeaderXAbuse": "Please report abuse here:",
  "KBMax": 100,
  "LinkTrackingParameters": "",
  "MultiOptoutList": "19",
  "MultipartText": true,
  "NotifyEmail": "",
  "OptoutType": 3,
  "Public": true,
  "ScopeCode": 0,
  "SendConfirmSms": false,
  "SendEmailOptout": false,
  "SmsSenderName": "",
  "SubscribedEmail": true,
  "TimeZoneCode": "UTC+01:00.0",
  "TrackOnOpened": true
Paging and filtering (example) 

Advanced list creation

As you have seen in the response of the previous section, a list has many parameters that during creation you can inherit from a specified list or a default table. But sometimes you could have to create a list configuring not mandatory (like a description) or technical (like the maximum newsletter size) parameters. To get more in-depth, the following table shows the optional fields.

Field nameTypeDescription
DescriptionStringAdditional details about what the list is used for.
PhoneStringThe company's phone number
PostalCodeStringThe company's postal code
StateOrProvinceStringThe company's state or province

The list's time zone. Please use one of the TimeZoneCode codes provided by the method Get List of Time Zone codes.

SmsSenderNameStringDefault sender name for text messages. It can be a phone number (e.g. +393351234567) or a string (up to 11 chars,
only letters and number). Please note that in some country, like Italy, some restrictions on SMS senders apply.
Use MailUp admin console to verify if the specified sender is subject to limitations in some countries.
DefaultPrefixStringDefault international prefix for mobile numbers (e.g. "0039" for Italy and "001" for United States)
SendConfirmSmsBooleanTrue when welcome SMS has to be sent for any new subscriber on SMS channel
CharsetStringText charset (see a list of Supported Charsets)
FormatStringFormat of emails to be sent with this list ("html" or "text")
MultipartTextBooleanFlag to automatically generate a text version of the message at sending stage
KBMaxIntegerMessage size beyond which a warning is generated. Suggested value = 100
NotifyEmailStringEmail address for unsubscribe notifications. Each time a recipient unsubscribes, an email will be sent to this address.
OptoutTypeIntegerOptout settings that apply when a recipient unsubscribe (0: One-click unsubscribe, 1: , 2: 3: Confirmed unsubscribe with options, 4: Confirmed unsubscribe with Preference Center)
MultiOptoutListStringDetail of the list IDs which will be viewed by the user in case of multiple optout (e.g. 1,2,3 etc.). Applies only when optout_type=2
SendEmailOptoutBooleanWhen true a "goodbye email" is sent to recipient that unsubscribe
SubscribedEmailBooleanTrue when welcome email has to be sent for any new subscriber (it works only when double optin is implemented)
BouncedEmailStringAddress for error messages
FrontendFormBooleanEnable hosted subscription forms, which you can view and edit under Settings > List settings > List Building Tools.
PublicBooleanFlag indicating if the list is visible in the public web library (if you set public=true the created list will be available in http://consoleUrl/frontend/nl_catalog.aspx)
ScopeCodeIntegerselect here which type of messages you are sending from this list:
  • 0: Newsletters (default),
  • 1: Direct_Advertising (promotions, direct marketing messages)
  • 2: Transactional (transactional messages like alerts, reminders, notifications)
TrackOnOpenedBooleanTrue when link tracking has to be enabled at list level
ConversionlabTrackCodeStringCode for tracking via conversionlab

It allows the integration between the list and third-party services (CRM, analytics).
Please, do not use question marks in this field.
The platform appends this value to all tracking links sent via email.
For Google Analytics use URL builder.

DisclaimerStringHeading added to the messages in the list
HeaderListUnsubscriberStringHeading "LIST-UNSUBSCRIBE" added to the messages in the list. Suggested value = "<[listunsubscribe]>,<[mailto_uns]>"
HeaderXAbuseStringHeading "X-ABUSE" added to the messages in the list. Suggested value = "Please report abuse here: http://[host]/p"

Old api method

titleDEPRECATED - Old method to create a new list

MailUp copies data from the mandatory information fields of the list you are specifying as a reference, list 1 is used when 'useDefaultSettings=true'. This method fails returning a HTTP 500 error when the mandatory information fields to be copied are empty. 

DescriptionCreate a new list

Go to automated doc

titleClick here to learn more about request parameters

Mandatory fields are marked in bold. To have an example of data formats you can have a look at the response of "Update List" method

Field nameTypeDescription


StringAddress for error messages


StringText charset (see a list of Supported Charsets)


StringCode for tracking via conversionlab


StringDefault international prefix for mobile numbers (e.g. "0039" for Italy and "001" for United States)


StringAdditional details about what the list is used for.


StringHeading added to the messages in the list


StringThis is the name that will be displayed in the "To" section of the e-mail message heading.
Name can be customized with dynamic fields using "campoN" labels (e.g. campo1,campo2, etc.),
where N is the progressive number of the dynamic field


StringFormat of emails to be sent with this list ("html" or "text")


BooleanEnable hosted subscription forms, which you can view and edit under Settings > List settings > List Building Tools.


StringHeading "LIST-UNSUBSCRIBE" added to the messages in the list. Suggested value = "<[listunsubscribe]>,<[mailto_uns]>"


StringHeading "X-ABUSE" added to the messages in the list. Suggested value = "Please report abuse here: http://[host]/p"


IntegerMessage size beyond which a warning is generated. Suggested value = 100


StringDetail of the list IDs which will be viewed by the user in case of multiple optout (e.g. 1,2,3 etc.). Applies only when optout_type=2


BooleanFlag to automatically generate a text version of the message at sending stage



Email sender name: the person or entity that is sending the message. It could simply be your company name.


StringEmail address for unsubscribe notifications. Each time a recipient unsubscribes, an email will be sent to this address.


IntegerOptout settings that apply when a recipient unsubscribe (0: One-click unsubscribe, 1: , 2: 3: Confirmed unsubscribe with options, 4: Confirmed unsubscribe with Preference Center)



"FROM" email: the email address that is sending the message. Make sure that it is a recognizable address (e.g. it uses your Web site domain).
For security reason, please trust this email address, as explain by the method Trust an email address.


BooleanFlag indicating if the list is visible in the public web library (if you set public=true the created list will be available in http://consoleUrl/frontend/nl_catalog.aspx)



If your newsletter asks for a reply from the recipients, you may want the replies to be sent to a different address from the "FROM" email. Enter the reply-to address here: it must be a valid email address. If you leave the field blank, the "FROM" address (see "owneremail" field) will be used.
For security reason, please trust this email address, as explain by the method Trust an email address


BooleanTrue when welcome SMS has to be sent for any new subscriber on SMS channel


BooleanWhen true a "goodbye email" is sent to recipient that unsubscribe


StringDeprecated field, do not use it


StringDeprecated field, do not use it


StringDefault sender name for text messages. It can be a phone number (e.g. +393351234567) or a string (up to 11 chars,
only letters and number). Please note that in some country, like Italy, some restrictions on SMS senders apply.
Use MailUp admin console to verify if the specified sender is subject to limitations in some countries.


BooleanTrue when welcome email has to be sent for any new subscriber (it works only when double optin is implemented)


BooleanTrue when link tracking has to be enabled at list level


BooleanTrue if your mailing is directed to consumers


StringList name (max 50 characters)


BooleanTrue if your mailing is directed to businesses


BooleanDeprecated field. Always use "false" value


BooleanWhen true and an existing list is set as template, then webhooks configuration is copied from that list


IntegerID of an existing list to be used as template. This field is ignored when 'useDefaultSettings=true'


Stringselect here which type of messages you are sending from this list: "newsletters" (default),
"Direct_Advertising" (promotions, direct marketing messages), or "Transactional" (transactional messages like alerts, reminders, notifications)


BooleanWhen false, an existing list, specified by 'idSettings' field, is used as template. Otherwise default settings are used
CompanyNameStringThe name of the company that is responsible for the messages sent out form this list.
This field and the others that follows should be included as "sender information" in each message sent.
Please refer to this page for more details
ContactNameStringThe contact reference name
AddressStringThe company's address
CityStringThe company's city
PostalCodeStringThe company's postal code
StateOrProvinceStringThe company's state or province
CountryCodeStringThe company's country. Please use one of the Country codes provided by the method Get List of Country codes.
PhoneStringThe company's phone number
WebSiteUrlStringThe company's web site url
PermissionReminderStringUse this field to remind recipients of why they are receiving messages. For example, you can use a message like this:
You are receiving this message because you registered on our Web site and agreed to receive email communication from us.
JSON request (example)
Code Block
   "Name":"New Arrivals",
   "headerxabuse":"Please report abuse here: http://[host]/p",
   "CompanyName":"Your company",
   "ContactName":"Your name",
   "Address":"Your address",
   "City":"Your city",
   "PermissionReminder":"Your permission reminder",
   "WebSiteUrl":"Your site",
   "Phone":"Your phone number",
JSON response (example)

List ID (e.g. 18)


Paging and filtering (example) 




Update List

DescriptionUpdate an existing list

Go to automated doc 

 For details about parameters you can look at "Create List" method.
In addition, the Update method also requires the IdList field, which is the only mandatory field.

JSON request (example)
Code Block
  "Name":"New Arrivals",
  "description":"Use this list to inform subscribers about new products",
JSON response (example)
Code Block
   "bouncedemail" : "",
   "charset" : "UTF-8",
   "conversionlab_trackcode" : "",
   "default_prefix" : "001",
   "description" : "Use this list to inform subscribers about new products",
   "disclaimer" : "<br><br><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"1\" color=\"#666666\">Privacy Protected with <a href=\"\" target=_blank>Safely Subscribe System</a></font>",
   "displayas" : "campo1,campo2,campo3",
   "format" : "html",
   "frontendform" : true,
   "headerlistunsubscriber" : "<[listunsubscribe]>,<[mailto_uns]>",
   "headerxabuse" : "Please report abuse here: http://[host]/p",
   "kbmax" : 100,
   "multi_optout_list" : "2",
   "multipart_text" : true,
   "nl_sendername" : "John Smith",
   "notifyemail" : null,
   "optout_type" : 0,
   "owneremail" : "",
   "public" : true,
   "replyto" : "",
   "sendconfirmsms" : false,
   "sendemailoptout" : false,
   "senderfax" : "",
   "senderfaxname" : "",
   "sms_sendername" : "SMSText",
   "subscribedemail" : true,
   "tracking" : true,
   "Customer" : true,
   "IdList" : 2,
   "Name" : "New Arrivals",
   "business" : true,
   "scope" : "newsletters",
   "CompanyName": "Your company name",
   "ContactName": "Your contact reference",
   "Address": "Your address",
   "City": "Your city",
   "CountryCode": "IT",
   "PermissionReminder": "Your permission reminder",
   "Phone": "Your phone number",
   "PostalCode": "26100",
   "StateOrProvince": "Cremona",
   "WebSiteUrl": "Your site"
Paging and filtering (example)




Read Lists

DescriptionReturn the lists that are visible for authenticated user. If an existing list is not returned it is likely that the MailUp specified with the API is not enabled to see that list. Users with administrators grants can change this setting using the admin console account (i.e. the web application)
ReferenceGo to automated doc
JSON request (example)none
JSON response (example)
Code Block
"Items":[{"Company":"","Description":"","Name":"Second List ","idList":2,"listGuid":"f34e5054-5555-4444-ffff-51acc36ae104"},
{"Company":"","Description":"This is a description","Name":"Newsletter ","idList":1,"listGuid":"49494949-4444-9999-8888-185543409eb7"}],
Paging and filtering (example)

5 items per page, get first page (count starts from zero)


Retreive all the lists whose name contains 'Newsletter' filterby="Name.Contains('Newsletter')" and sort them by ID orderby="idList desc". Parameter names can be retreived from the response body. Please note that "Contains" is case sensitive.



Add recipients to a list - subscribe


  • add and subscribe one or more recipients. See "Import recipients".
  • force subscription of an existing recipient (i.e. unsubscribed or pending) by specifiying its ID. Refer to "Update subscription" 

Remove recipients from a list - unsubscribe
