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On this page:


Old update list method

titleDEPRECATED - Old API method to update an existing list
DescriptionUpdate an existing list

Go to automated doc 

 For details about parameters you can look at Create List deprecated method.
In addition, the Update method also requires the IdList field, which is the only mandatory field.

JSON request (example)
Code Block
  "Name":"New Arrivals",
  "description":"Use this list to inform subscribers about new products",
JSON response (example)
Code Block
   "bouncedemail" : "",
   "charset" : "UTF-8",
   "conversionlab_trackcode" : "",
   "default_prefix" : "001",
   "description" : "Use this list to inform subscribers about new products",
   "disclaimer" : "<br><br><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"1\" color=\"#666666\">Privacy Protected with <a href=\"\" target=_blank>Safely Subscribe System</a></font>",
   "displayas" : "campo1,campo2,campo3",
   "format" : "html",
   "frontendform" : true,
   "headerlistunsubscriber" : "<[listunsubscribe]>,<[mailto_uns]>",
   "headerxabuse" : "Please report abuse here: http://[host]/p",
   "kbmax" : 100,
   "multi_optout_list" : "2",
   "multipart_text" : true,
   "nl_sendername" : "John Smith",
   "notifyemail" : null,
   "optout_type" : 0,
   "owneremail" : "",
   "public" : true,
   "replyto" : "",
   "sendconfirmsms" : false,
   "sendemailoptout" : false,
   "senderfax" : "",
   "senderfaxname" : "",
   "sms_sendername" : "SMSText",
   "subscribedemail" : true,
   "tracking" : true,
   "Customer" : true,
   "IdList" : 2,
   "Name" : "New Arrivals",
   "business" : true,
   "scope" : "newsletters",
   "CompanyName": "Your company name",
   "ContactName": "Your contact reference",
   "Address": "Your address",
   "City": "Your city",
   "CountryCode": "IT",
   "PermissionReminder": "Your permission reminder",
   "Phone": "Your phone number",
   "PostalCode": "26100",
   "StateOrProvince": "Cremona",
   "WebSiteUrl": "Your site"
Paging and filtering (example) 


Old read lists method

titleDEPRECATED - Old read lists method
DescriptionReturn the lists that are visible for authenticated user. If an existing list is not returned it is likely that the MailUp specified with the API is not enabled to see that list. Users with administrators grants can change this setting using the admin console account (i.e. the web application)
ReferenceGo to automated doc
JSON request (example)none
JSON response (example)
Code Block
"Items":[{"Company":"","Description":"","Name":"Second List ","idList":2,"listGuid":"f34e5054-5555-4444-ffff-51acc36ae104"},
{"Company":"","Description":"This is a description","Name":"Newsletter ","idList":1,"listGuid":"49494949-4444-9999-8888-185543409eb7"}],
Paging and filtering (example)

5 items per page, get first page (count starts from zero)

Retreive all the lists whose name contains 'Newsletter' filterby="Name.Contains('Newsletter')" and sort them by ID orderby="idList desc". Parameter names can be retreived from the response body. Please note that "Contains" is case sensitive.


  • add and subscribe one or more recipients. See "Import recipients".
  • force subscription of an existing recipient (i.e. unsubscribed or pending) by specifiying its ID. Refer to "Update subscription" 

Remove recipients from a list - unsubscribe
