Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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MailUp can be easily integrated with any web analytics system. Just create the campaign within the web analytics system (e.g. "newsletter"), copy its tracking code (e.g. ?39du3h24w8e3) and paste it in the box that can be found into the system. You have different options to do so. Specifically, you can:

  • Edit each link in the message editor when creating or editing an email message
  • Apply the same tracking to all links included in the same message (see below)
  • Apply the same trackng code to all links included in all messages created in the same List, using the corresponding field in the Advanced tab of your List preferences

At the message level, you will find this feature when opening the advanced options menu in the MailUp message editor page. In the editor, first click on "Advanced"...

... then locate the area called "Automated link tracking"...


  • See how campaign tracking works
    It's really simple. Basically, you can append a special querystring to a URL to tell Google Analytics more information about the visit to that URL. If the word "querystring" sounds a bit scary, don't worry. The URL builder mentioned below creates it automatically for you.

  • Build a URL that contains campaign tracking code
    Google has a free URL builder that can help you create the querystring that you will append to the links in your email message in order to tell Google Analytics that visits to those links are indeed coming from that email message. When you build the URL, use terms that will allow you to easily identify your email campaign. For example:

    URL builder

  • For example, if you were using the keywords shown in the screen shot above, then the URL build for you would look like this:

    Code Block

    Now, copy the code that follows the question mark:


    Code Block



  • ... and paste it in the "Add these parameters to all links" field mentioned above. Remember that this will add these parameters to all links in the message. If you instead wish to have a different querystring associated with different links, you can edit the links themselves in the message editor.
  • Make sure to save the message!
  • You're done: the links in your message will now include this additional information that tells Google Analytics more about the visit to the page. You will be able to see that additional information when you look at your Web statistics in the Google Analytics reports.

Editing the querystring for future mailings

Of course, for the next newsletter you will not need to use the URL Builder again, but rather can simply change the campaign name. That is: the only difference in the querystring to be added as a custom link parameter would be the following:

Code Block

... will become:

Code Block

Other notes

  • Note that in order to avoid any issues with the URL potentially being "red flagged" by a spam filter, the tracking code is not added to the links in the HTML code of the email message, but rather it is added dynamically by the link processing script that handles all tracked links.
  • If you are using another Web analytics program, the instructions still apply: simply add the campaign tracking code to the corresponding input field on the add/edit message page, as shown above.
