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titleComing very soon!

We're still working on this section of the documentation, but it'll be ready soon!

Messages in the sending queue


Scheduled messages


Messages waiting to be sent

textThe Send status page allows you to view the sending status of your mailings, which can be in the current, scheduled, or inactive sections. There is no limit to how many emails can be in any given section.


After the email campaign has been scheduled (or setup to be sent immediately), the user can navigate to any other page and even log-out. The system will perform the sending task.

Current Mailings

The Current mailings section allows you to see which email messages are currently being sent. This includes the estimated send time and the sending progress for the email campaign. There is no limit to how many emails can be in this section. Each email is sent based on its order in the queue. It follows that emails in the top of the queue will be sent before those emails at the bottom.

At any time if you decide to stop the sending process of an email, you can click on the red Cancel button. Once stopped, you can view the remaining recipients who haven't yet received your email. 

Scheduled Mailings

In the Scheduled mailing section, you can set the schedule (i.e. date & hour) for your email:

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Note: you can schedule as many emails in the scheduled queue. In addition, bu clicking on the Actions drop-down menu, you can reschedule a time or altogether delete it by choosing Cancel.

Inactive Mailings

The Inactive mailings refers to mailings that are not in either the current mailings or scheduled mailings sections. In most cases, you can ignore this section or it up clean-up by deleting any emails.