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Apart for from having a well crafted message, a quality mailing depends on its deliverability (i.e. ability to avoid spam filters.)  Deliverability depends on the reputation of the sender, a condition that can be measured, managed and improved. 



titleMore information on how to clean Lists
Manage inactive addresses that have never or rarely opened a message in the last 6 months. 
You can choose to:
  1. Unsubscribe them (note that in terms of conversion rates of click, open, etc., this will have minimal impact because there was very little activity history to begin with. However, by cleaning up the List will greatly affect reputation and deliverability and the improvement will be measurable. 
  2. Re-engage them: Send a Subscription Confirmation message (double opt-in) where if they don't take action, they will be unsubscribed by default.inviargli un nuovo messaggio di richiesta conferma iscrizione, di tipo opt-in per cui se non viene registrata alcuna azione, non vengono più inclusi nei successivi invii

Send a message like "This is our final attempt to verify your interest in receiving our newsletter. If Do you still want to be subscribed: hear from us? Yes, I want to continue receiving your newsletter.  No, please take me off your mailing list." The "yes" link can take the recipient to a Thank you page.

After 30 days, you can verify who's clicked on the "Yes"  link, reactivate them, and at the same time unsubscribe any recipients who didn't replrespond.

How do I identify inactive recipients?

Use filters in the Marketing+ filters.

Create an Activity Filter named Inactive recipients which contain addresses 

  1. Didn't read ANY - set a start date 6 months ago, and the end date is "today,"  AND
  2. Didn't click open - ANY - set a start date 6 months ago, and the end date is "today"

To know how many there are, go to Recipient List and select Group or the filter Inactive Recipients.

An alternative: 

  1. Click on Statistics > Email > Analysis and Benchmarks > Opens
  2. At the bottom of the page Recipient Management, move the recipients with Opens more than 0 in an ad hoc group (Example: Active at least once)
  3. Go to Groups and create a new group named "Inactive Recipients"
  4. Start the sending email process and choose All recipients and choose Exclude Groups and select the group "Active at least once."
  5. At this point, the mailing queue will have all recipients who have never opened a message or clicked a link, so click See options, select the group "Inactive recipients" and on "Copy."

