Versions Compared


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titleA useful reference
Print out this page and keep it handy while reading statistics reports in your MailUp account
SENTSentThe total number of emails that were sent.
DELIVEREDDeliveredTotal emails sent minus bounces: the number of emails that were successfully delivered.
BouncesThe number of emails that could not be delivered, for a variety of reasons. They "bounce" back, and the system counts them and categorizes them based on which error occurred.
Readers (or Unique Opens)The number of recipients that opened the message. They may have opened it multiple times. They were tracked as having opened the message because they downloaded images and/or clicked on a link.  
OpensOPENSThe number of times the message was opened. The message was tracked as having been opened because images were downloaded. Recipients can open the same message multiple times. So OPENS Opens is always larger than UNIQUE OPENS.UNIQUE CLICKSUnique Opens.
Opens without imagesA conservative estimate of the number of times the message was opened in text format (i.e. without downloading images).
Web opensThe number of times the Web version of a message was viewed (e.g. because someone shared a newsletter on a social network), minus Display Issues (see below)
Total opensThe sum of all Opens.
Unique clicksThe number of recipients that clicked on any links. The same recipient may have clicked on multiple links. This is the number of unique readers that clicked. Therefore, it's a subset of READERS or UNIQUE OPENS.
CLICKSClicksThe total number of clicks. The same recipient may click on multiple links, which means that CLICKS is always larger than UNIQUE CLICKS.
NONNon-CLICKING READERSclicking readersRecipients that opened the message and downloaded images, but did not click on any links. We know that they opened the message because images were downloaded.
CLICKING READERS WITH NO IMAGE DOWNLOADClicking readers without imagesRecipients that clicked on at least one link (which is why we know they opened the message), but did not download any images.
BOUNCESThe number of emails that could not be delivered, for a variety of reasons. They "bounce" back, and the system counts them and categorizes them based on which error occurred.
DISPLAY ISSUES (WEB VERSION LINK)CTOR (Click to Open Rate)Unique clicks divided by unique opens. It's an important indicator of the quality of the message: it indicates how many of those who opened a message also clicked on one of the links it contained.
SharedNumber of times the social media sharing icons were clicked on, regardless of whether the recipient ended up completing the social media post or not.
Display issuesThe number of recipients that clicked on the link to view the Web version of the message. Typically this happens when the user was having issues displaying the message in their email client.
UNSUBSCRIBEDUnsubscribedThe number of recipients that decided to no longer receive emails from you. The fact that they unsubscribed may or may not be directly related to the message.
COMPLAINTS Complaints (or FEEDBACK LOOPS or FBLsFeedback Loops)The number of recipients that pressed the "SPAM" button in their email client to indicate that the message was unsolicited.
AutorespondersReplies sent automatically by the receiving email client (e.g. recipient is on vacation).
Mailbox fullA type of "soft" or "temporary" bounce: the receiving mailbox is too full to accept new messages, and returns an error.
ActiveRecipients that have opened a message at least once in the last 3 months (or for a longer period of time if the statistics at the recipient level are kept for more than 90 days, which is an optional setting)
InactiveRecipients that did not open a message at least once in the last 3 months (or for a longer period of time if the statistics at the recipient level are kept for more than 90 days, which is an optional setting)
Very activeRecipients that have opened a message at least twice in the last 3 months and at least once in the last 2 months