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What's your email sender reputation?

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Your MailUp platform now includes the reputation meter: an indication over time on how well your account is performing in terms of email deliverability, list management, and adhering to email marketing best practices.

How is it calculated?

The reputation meter takes into consideration a series of variables, including:

  • How many spam complaints your email campaigns receive. The fewer the complaints, the higher your reputation.
  • The quality of your emailing list. A list with a low percentage of bounces will score high.
  • The "from" email address of your company.
  • The domain of your company's website.
  • The IP address of your emailing account.
  • The frequency of your email campaigns.

How to improve your reputation?

If you are following email marketing best practices, you'll likely experience a great emailing experience with MailUp. However, if you see that the reputation meter drops to the orange section, there is room for improvement! Here are our emailing tips and recommendations:

Limit the number of complaints & bounces
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Under Statistics, check the Summary report for your email campaigns. If you see a complaint rate greater than 0.2%, you should review your mailing list and message content:

  • Check that your email sender address is easily recognizable to your recipients.
  • Adopt a double opt-in subscription. This type of subscription protects your mailing list from unverified email addresses.
  • Check that your unsubscribe link is present and easily visible in your message.
  • Perform a check-up in MailUp.
  • Be upfront with your subscribers on how you collected their email address.
Authenticate your company's sender email address
For an added level of security to your email communications, you can authenticate your email address through your website's DNS record: view the email authentication guide
Limit the number of inactive recipients

Recipients in your mailing list who do not show any engagement (i.e. no opens/clicks) after three months are considered inactive. Over time, it is recommended that you manage your inactive recipients through MailUp's inactive recipients management feature, which allows you to set up a re-engagement campaign. This feature provides 3 options:

  1. Reduce mailing frequency
  2. Attempt to re-engage and unsubscribe
  3. Unsubscribe recipient



The success of your email campaigns is dependent on whether messages end up in the inbox vs. the spam folder. It's called deliverability: how many of your messages actually get delivered into the inbox? Email account providers have put in place all sorts of filters to block unsolicited email messages (rightfully so!). You need to make sure that your campaigns are not mistaken for unsolicited messages and placed in the junk folder.

Your deliverability depends mostly on your reputation as a sender. That's a value that you can measure, monitor, and improve over time.

Your reputation is at the "account" level (vs. "list" level) and mostly depends on:

  • percentage of messages that bounce back (bounces)
  • recipients' behavior (opens, clicks, spam compliants, etc.)
  • list hygiene (how recipients are collected, how unsubscribes are handled, etc.)

What's the impact of having a low reputation?

Your reputation has a major impact on your deliverability. It affects all messages sent from the same account (i.e. it affects all lists).

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Your reputation as a sender is directly linked (and a good indicator of) the level of engagement of your recipients (how much do they open and click?). More and more email account providers (e.g. Yahoo!, Gmail,, AOL, etc.) use "engagement" as a fundamental part of their inboxing algorithms (i.e. the formulas they use to determine whether your message should be "inboxed" or "junked").

Developing a high level of engagement can take some time, and you need to be careful: a false step (e.g. sending a message that seems unsolicited) could back-fire and nullify all of your hard work.

titleReputation vs. Message content
Please note that although your reputation is certainly the main factor affecting your deliverability, the message itself can play a role. For example, the presence of spam words, HTML errors, or spammy URLs (e.g. URLs containing IP addresses instead of a domain: Use the "Check up" feature to review your message.