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To add a new Triggered Message, click on Marketing+ > Triggered Messages > New. Automation > New



We suggest you to work with automated messages as following:

  1. set a new automated message
  2. simulate the sending
  3. run the automated message


The Add New Triggered Message page is divided into 4 sections.

  • General information, which is the top section of the page
  • Activation Frequency
  • Event triggerCondition
  • Action

General information

In On the top area of the page, you can specify:

  • Name: a short name for the triggered message that you are creating
  • Description: a description of what for which it will be used for. Both name and description are for internal use only. They are never shown to the recipient of the triggered message.
  • Activation statusState: whether the triggered message is Enabled or Disabled. Leave a triggered message disabled when you don't want it to be executed (e.g. you are just testing it).
  • Activation periodUse this timezone: you can specify a certain period of time in which an Enabled triggered message will be executedrun.Timezone
  • Use this the field: specify which timezone you are in. The dates you specify will refer to your timezone.


  • a different timezone you can use and pull it from a profile filter


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Next, specify the frequency with which the system will check whether the message should be sent.

  • Every N days: Specify how often (number of days). For example, if you want the system to run this triggered message weekly, enter 7.
  • Different time slots for different recipients: use the feature Sending time depends on the time zone defined in the field, to have the system run the triggered message 3 times a day, and execute it depending on the time of the day specified. For example, if you have recipients in different time zones and you wish the triggered message to be sent during the day (vs. at night time), you would use this feature and specify the different time slot to be used for different recipients. Click on Show time periods to see what the time slots are.
  • Send only once: use this setting to avoid sending the message again to a recipient that has already received it

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Check conditions: at a specific time (e.g. at 0.00) or every 4, 8, or 12 hours

Repeat: let the console repeat Check conditions daily, weekly, monthly or yearly


titleWhat does "Frequency" mean?
Frequency refers to the interval at which the triggered message is run. You are not setting how often the message will be sent. You are indicating how often you wish the system to check whether the message should be sent. The message will then be sent if the event that it triggers it occurs. That is: if the conditions that you specify under the Event trigger the Condition tab are found to be true.

Event trigger

What event(s) will trigger the execution of this triggered message? This is the area of the page where you will specify the conditions that - when true - will trigger the execution of the message.

First, you will need to specify whether you want all conditions to be true for the message to be sent, or whether it's enough for one of the selected conditions to be true.

Then, you must specify which conditions will be checked. The options are:

  • After N days from certain events. The events are:
    • Email subscription: the date when the recipient subscribed to the List
    • Email pending: the date when the recipient signed up, but did not confirm his/her intent to subscribe, thus remaining in "Pending" status
    • SMS subscription: the data when the recipient subscribed to receive text messages in this List
    • Latest click or open: the date when the recipient last opened a message or clicked on a link in a message
    • Latest profile update: the date when the recipient last updated his/her profile in this List or any of the Lists that he/she is subscribed to
  • When a certain condition applied to a Recipient field is true (e.g. the "Gender" field equals "F").
  • Profile filter is matched: whether a Profile filter that you have previously setup is true for the recipient
  • Activity Filter is matched; whether an Activity filter that you have previously setup is true for the recipient.
  • Profile filter is not matched; whether a Profile filter that you have previously setup is true for the recipient.
  • Activity Filter is not matched; whether an Activity filter that you have previously setup is true for the recipient.


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With Limitation you can set the limitations to the Check condition and Repeat previously set

Active from: you can set your automated message so that it runs only within a certain period of time (e.g. from the 12th to the 25th December)

Except: you can add a blackout date (e.g. December 25th where you don't want your recepient to get any messages) or a Recourring blackout date (e.g. you don't want to disturb your recipients on weekends)

If the task is skipped: if any of the limitations you set occour you can set when to execute the automation (e.g. if monthly and Jan 1st is a blackout date it runs on Jan 2nd)



In the Condition tab you can set which users will receive the automatic sending according to different parameters.

In general:

  • If the condition is simple (e.g. 7 days after the subscription), you can configure it directly using the options in the Condition tab
  • If the condition is more complex (e.g. 7 days after subscription, and it is resident in San Francisco and it is a female), then you'll first have to create a filter

 The options that you can configure in the Condition tab are:

  • Number of days of the occurrence of one of the most frequent events (e.g., subscription, joining a group, etc.).   
  • the latest activity the recipient has generated  
  •   the last data update 
  • based on a Profile field (eg, date of registration, birthday, etc ...)  
  • based on the anagraphic data (true / false) 
  • based on activities (true / false)

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The bottom part of the page allows you to further restrict the applicability of the triggered message.

You can:

  1. Include


  1. one or more groups.
  2. Exclude


  1. one or more groups



Finally, you need to specify what happens if the conditions that have been checked are all true. The options are:

  • Whether the message to be sent is an Email or a SMS (text message)
  • Sender email or mobile phone
  • Sender name
  • After sending the message copy the recipients in this Group: this feature allows you to assign to a certain group every recipient to whom the triggered message is sent. This allows you to do chained campaigns, where you could create a second triggered message that is sent only to those that belong to that group.
  • Send this message: select the message to be sent
  • Retrieve the message ID from the field: alternatively, you can have the system select the message to be sent by pointing it to a field that contains the ID of the message to be picked. This means that you have a Recipient field that you are using to store the numeric ID of the message to be sent. This feature allows you to change the message that is sent depending on who the recipient is.


  1. .

This feature is useful when creating "waterfall" campaigns. For example : 

  • You may want to automatically send a promotional message to all customers with a certain profile (eg, women between 30 and 50 years old)    
  • Excluding those who belong to the promotion, it is automatically sent on the 15th of the month and the recipient will be copied in the group "Promotion sent on the 15th of the Month" (this option can be configured in the Action tab) when the action is run
  • To prevent the promotion from being sent twice to the same recipient, that group is selected among the groups to be run in the Conditions tab

      3. Finally, the function Apply these additional filters makes it possible to define the customers's target with more precision. It allows you to select other filters to apply when running an automatic sending. For example, if the automatic sending requires the use of two profile filters, you can apply the first filter at the top of the page and under When the profile filter is true and then select the second filter in the Apply these additional filters.


Finally, you need to specify what happens if the Conditions that have been checked are all true. The options are:

  1. send email
  2. send SMS
  3. segment automatically

If the action is  sending an email or text message, you can set the sender information and deliver that message to your recipients.

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