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The "Engagement statistics" section provides detailed statistics on email campaigns and recipients engagement.
You have:
  • Email opens trend
  • Email clicks trend
  • Top providers trend
  • Engagement trend

General info

  • The time unit used is daily. It shows only the days on which at least one mailing was sent. The detail of each email is visible by selecting the single bar.
  • The dashboard considers only emails sent to at least 50 recipients. Therefore, transactional mailings are usually excluded.
  • The opens and clicks shown are always unique.
  • The dashboard has two values in the y-axis. The values on the left refer to the bars. While the scale on the right refers to the lines.
  • Update frequency: The statistics are refreshed once a day, and they refer to the previous day.

Apply filters

Reports can be filtered by date, entering a time frame, subject or message notes and, by picking a provider and maximum or minimum range (at least 50) of recipients.

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Email opens trend

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The Email Opens Trend shows:

  • the number of opens recorded each day (dark green bar) and the total number of mailings (the totality of the bar)
  • open rate trend (blue line)
  • variation compared to the open rate in the selected time frame (purple line)

By selecting the bar of a single day, it is also possible to have the details for each email sent including open rate, the number of email sent and the number of opens.

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Email click trend

The Email Click Trend shows:

  • the number of clicks recorded each day (dark blue bar) and the total number of mailings (the totality of the bar)
  • open rate trend (blue line)
  • variation compared to the click rate in the selected time frame (purple line)

By selecting the bar of a single day, it is also possible to have the details for each email sent including open rate, the number of email sent and the number of clicks.

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Top Provider trend

The top Provider trend dashboard provides an overview of the 4 main recipients' providers. The data is automatically obtained from the platform based on the recipients' domain and cannot be changed by inserting other providers.

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Engagement trend

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The Engagement trend dashboard provides an overview of your database health status. For each day in which at least one mailing was sent, the chart divides the recipients into very active, active, new, inactive, less active or percentage of bounce. And finally, in the same dashboard, you also have the open rate.

Let's see what they mean.



BounceThe recipient registered a high number of soft bounce

We don't have info on the rating (no email was sent)


The recipient is inactive

Less active

The recipient showed a low engagement or he is new or he didn't have enough time to take an action


The recipient has shown a degree of engagement in the average, he often takes actions in active campaigns

Very active

The recipient has shown a high degree of engagement, he always takes actions in the campaigns he receives