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The Activity Report provides all the aggregate information on the interactions that recipients have had with the message.

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Here is the information available:

  • Subject, message ID, first mailing date, last mailing date, tags associated (if present) and how many times the message was sent (with a link to the sendouts list)
  • The total number of recipients, obtained by summing the number of recipients of each sendout.
  • The total number of delivered emails and the delivery rate
  • The aggregated number of bounces

Let's do a rundown of which metrics are available for a message.

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  • Unique open rate for the message, calculated over delivered emails
  • Opens are the sum of all unique opens registered for each sendout (being an aggregate number, it also includes statistics that are no longer available at recipient level. Read more about this). For example, a recipient who received the same message twice and opened both occurings, will be counted two times in the opens. The opens number also includes recipients who opened without downloading images - detailed below as without images.
  • Total opens are the sum of every open activity by the message recipients
  • Segment opens is a link to a page where you can get open data sorted by recipient filters
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  • Unique click through rate for the message, calculated over delivered emails
  • Clicks are the sum of all unique opens registered for each sendout (being an aggregate number, it also includes statistics that are no longer available at recipient level. Read more about this). For example, a recipient who received the same message twice and clicked on both occurings, will be counted two times in the clicks.
  • Total clicks are the sum of every click activity by the message recipients
  • Segment clicks is a link to a page where you can get click data sorted by recipient filters


  • Unsubscription rate for the message, calculated over delivered emails
  • Unsubscriptions is the number of recipients who unsubscribed directly from this message.
  • Abuse complaints are a specific unsubscription type, which happens when a recipient reports a spam abuse to the email provider. For more info, read Types of bounces.
  • Total shares are the sum of clicks on the special links "Social share" and "Send to a friend"

The last part of the Activity report contains:

  • Open and click trends, with a default period of 10 days from the last mailing. The period can be changed to the last 10/30/90 days or to a custom period.
  • Bounces graph, with a default period of 10 days from the last mailing. The period can be changed to the whole period from the first mailing or to the last 10/30/90 days or to a custom period. This section also includes the number of bounce occurences and their rate over the email delivered in the selected time period.

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  • Filters and groups selected for the last mailing
  • Details on the sender used for the last mailing