Versions Compared


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I test A/B 

I test A/B ti permettono di verificare l'efficacia di una o più varianti della stessa email e, grazie ai risultati, puoi inviare l'email più performante in termini di aperture o di clic.


I risultati dei test A/B ti indicano la variante più efficace in termini di aperture o clic

A/B testing is a popular method used by online marketers to test different variations of a given message. In email marketing, A/B testing is used to optimize the email campaign you are working on. The most common scenarios for A/B testing are to test two or more subject lines (i.e. the title of the email) and to test different calls to action. For example, you might be experimenting with different colors of an image (e.g. green vs red) for your call to action button in your email. By sending the same email but with slight variations of it, you can figure out which email is the best performing one in terms of open rate or click through rate.
