Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Merge tag
emailemail address
prefixmobile phone number prefixphone
numbermobile phone number
_subemailemail list subscription date and time
_subsmsSMS list subscription date and time
_idnlmessage ID
_hashencrypted unique recipient ID
_idoptinunique recipient ID
iduunique recipient ID
_ip_req_subIP address that submitted the email subscription request
_ip_conf_subIP address that submitted the email subscription confirmation
_mandatory_sender_info_companySender company
_mandatory_sender_info_contactSender contact name
_mandatory_sender_info_addressSender address
_mandatory_sender_info_citySender city
_mandatory_sender_info_stateSender state/province
_mandatory_sender_info_postalcodeSender postal code/ZIP
_mandatory_sender_info_countrySender country code
_mandatory_sender_info_phoneSender phone
_mandatory_sender_info_permission_reminderPermission reminder
_mandatory_sender_info_websiteSender website URL
_currentdaynumeric representation of the day of the month e.g. 11
_currentdaynametextual representation of the day e.g. Wednesday
_currentmonthnumeric representation of the month e.g. 7
_currentmonthnametextual representation of the month e.g. July
_currentyearnumeric representation of the year e.g. 2015