Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


All of these aspects are evaluated based on campaigns completed in the last 30 days. For example, the deliverability index could be low if multiple campaigns were sent in the last month with an incorrectly authenticated sender while, with subsequent campaigns, it could improve simply because a different correctly authenticated sender is used.

How to improve the Deliverability index

Inside MailUp you will find some suggestions that will help you understand what influences your deliverability performance and how you can improve it.

These messages are placed in different sections of the platform, where you have the tools to monitor and intervene. So let's start from the problem, to understand where to find the suggestion.

Contact acquisition

The golden rule for sending massive marketing campaigns is to have the explicit consent of the recipient before adding it to any type of communication whether sporadic, continuous or repeated. Recipients are less likely to report messages as unwanted or offensive if they signed up voluntarily.

The Deliverability index helps you understand if you are implementing a good strategy by considering:

  • the acquisition and cleaning of contacts so as not to send, for example, to addresses with spelling errors or to "spamtrap";

  • the method of acquisition, with or without confirmation of registration;

  • the frequency of importing new subscribers and the main deliverability metrics of the first sending (opens, bounces, spam complaints).

If you're having trouble capturing leads, you can find suggestions on the Recipients > List page.

Reports of abuse

The rate of abuse reports is visible for each message sent in the Statistics section. These reports come from recipients who mark the message as spam directly from their inbox.

It is important to keep this rate to a minimum since ISPs (such as Gmail, Libero, Yahoo and others) according to internal rules can impose penalties - up to total blocking of delivery - for communications arriving from senders with too high a number of reports. The number of reports is therefore a factor that influences the Deliverability index score, even in an important way.

If you're receiving a high number of abuse reports that are jeopardizing delivery rates and Inbox bounces, you'll find suggestions on the Statistics > Email > List > Message Sent page.

Or, if you use the SMTP+ sending system, go to the Statistics > Email > SMTP+ Messages > Message sent page.