Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Work in progress

TODO: aggiungere qui le info generali, poi si rimanda alle sottopagine per autenticazione e parti specifiche per le versioni



MailUp API uses the following HTTP verbs to perform actions on resources that are identified through a URI

  • POST to create a new resource
  • GET to retrieve an existing resource
  • PUT to update an existing resource
  • DELETE to remove a resource


TODO: aggiungere endpoint di produzione

Data format

TODO: rivedere, qui ho copiato la descrizione del primo doc

Exchanged data format is mainly JSON (“Accept:application/json” in the request headers) but in the future XML, HTML or others may be supported. Return values always contain HTTP status code; optionally a description could be added to provide some error details. GET requests may use optional querystring parameters in the request: in some cases the returned data format depends on which set of parameters is specified.


Versioning is provided through URI in the form of ENDPOINT/VERSION/RESOURCE


Only a subset of resources will support pagination and they do it by handling “x-page” and “x-page-size” values in request header. When not supported by resources, pagination headers are ignored by the server application.

Rate limiting

Restrictions may be applied by limiting the number of requests by a specific API key against a resource (e.g. client application with access key XYZ fails to create a new sending because the limit of N sending per day has been reached). In case of rate limiting HTTP status code 429 (Too many requests) is returned.
Rate limiting has to be considered as a possible future extension, implementation requires more details about possible restrictions that could affect resources and customer specific settings.


OAuth V2 is used

TODO: Citiamo anche quella tramite header?





Getting started

  1. Read our best practices to understand what you can do and learn the recommended approaches.

  2. Download Demo Client and choose among several available programming languages.

  3. Test Resource Access with your MailUp account. Don't have one? Request a developer account.

  4. After getting acquainted with the API, get your API keys & build your own application.

Integrating your application

A few things to keep in mind:

  • The MailUp REST API uses Oauth2 and requires a token refresh. You can use the available samples to see how to refresh the authorization token

  • By properly setting the request header you can set the response format as JSON or XML

  • Each application is tied to a set of application keys, which are used to authorize the application (get yours).

  • Users of the application will be authenticated using their own MailUp account credentials.
  • The application keys used in the sample code shall not be used in a production environment.

titleGetting stuck while developing your application?

Take another look at the "Getting Started" section: the demo client can help a lot. Also, before contacting us, please consider that most of the questions that we receive are about...

  • Authorization (application keys) vs. authentication (MailUp account credentials): see Authenticating with OAuth v2.

  • Expired tokens: the token has to be refreshed, please use the available samples as guidelines.

  • Wrong credentials (e.g. trying to access to your production account with the credentials of your developer account, or viceversa).

  • Unexpected behavior of an API call due to unchecked error codes that were returned by previous API calls.

  • Developers that are unfamiliar with MailUp terminology (Resource Access section and related links should be helpful).

A complete email messaging API

When to use the MailUp REST APIThe MailUp REST API gives you access to a variety of methods to manage email campaigns, subscribe and unsubscribe recipients, and retrieving statistics, bounces, etc. 

Recipient management

Message management

Campaign management

Statistics retrieval

Account provisioning

Import recipients, get import status

Retrieve lists, groups, email messages, etc.

Subscribe, unsubscribe, update recipients

Create and modify groups

...See Manage Lists and Groups and Recipients

Create, modify, delete a message

Create a message from a template

Retrieve a list of messages

Add and remove images

...See Email messages

Send a message to a List

Send a message to a Group

Send a message to a Recipient

...  See Send Email Messages

and also Transactional Emails

Retrieve details on sent messages 

Retrieve opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes

Retrieve stats for the last N hours

Retrieve stats for a specific period

...See Email Statistics

Request new free trial account

Obtain request status

...See Accounts


Before choosing the REST API as the technical solution for integrating your application, ensure that you have read our best practices.