Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

FTPZIP may run several minutes after the time the ZIP file was uploaded. The system will provide updates on the status of the various processes. Each process will throw at least one notification alert message, normally sent to the admin account at the very end of the process either if it completes successfully or not.

Error Messages


Generic errors about settings.xml file 


Error message




List 1, defined in XML file, does not exist


In Settings.xml it was defined a listId not matching any actual id. It may not exist.


Make sure you’ve set the correct value in your Settings.xml file, key <ListId>. If you need to know what are your list id’s please visit the page


Missing Node in Xml File.


One of the keys in Settings.xml is missing.


Check your Settings.xml against the sample we provide in this page and make sure no Xml Key is missing.


XML file does not match its schema. Validation failed


Xml contained in Settings.xml did not pass the validation check.


Check your Settings.xml against the sample we provide in this page and make sure no Xml Key ( or bracket ) is missing.


Cannot read that as a ZipFile


 FTP ZIP couldn’t read at all the submitted ZIP file.


Please make sure you have completely uploaded the ZIP FILE or check it was not corrupted.


There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file. ---> Maximum request length exceeded.


The attachments’ size goes beyond the upload limit.


Please revise the attachment you’re planning to send along with the newsletter. Global size of all attachments must be under 3Mb of size.


There was no "Attachments" folder in the submitted Zip Archive.


Attachment was set to true in Settings.xml, but there was no attachment folder inside the submitted ZIP file.


Please edit your ZIP and make sure there’s the attachment folder in it.

( folder name is not case sensitive and can be written as Attachments, attachments or even AtTacHmentS.



Given Campaign Code ( xyz ) has already been used. Please submit the campaign once again and make sure you've set an unused 'CampaignCode' in your Settings.xml file.


CampaignCode value in Settings.xml has already been used in one previous campaign.

Missing settings.xml filezip archive doesn't contains the settings.xml file 
Invalid XML formatsettings.xml file content isn't written in an XML format

Error about settings.xml file content

Error message



Missing CampaigncodeMissing or wrong written value
Missing format versionMissing or wrong written value
Invalid List IdMissing or wrong written value
Invalid List GUIDMissing or wrong written value
Missing SeparatorMissing or wrong written value
Invalid Attachment Xml ElementMissing or wrong written value
Invalid DynamicFields Xml ElementMissing or wrong written value
Invalid EmbeddedImages Xml ElementMissing or wrong written value
Invalid LinkTracking Xml ElementMissing or wrong written value
Invalid HttpLinkTracking Xml ElementMissing or wrong written value
Invalid HttpsLinkTracking Xml ElementMissing or wrong written value
Invalid MailToTracking Xml ElementMissing or wrong written value
Invalid FtpTracking Xml ElemenMissing or wrong written value
Invalid NewsTracking Xml ElementMissing or wrong written value
Invalid TemplateMessageId Xml Element ValueMissing or wrong written value

Invalid AvoidDeduplicaField Xml Element Value

Missing or wrong written value
Campaign Code already usedWrong Data

Campaign code must be unique foe each mailing

Invalid Action TypeWrong DataAllowed values: Full, Send, Save
List not found: {ListId}Wrong Data

Provided List Identifier isn't defined in the MailUp Account.

{ListId} will be replaced with the provided List Identifier

Message with TemplateMessageId {IdMessage} does not exist in List {ListId} Wrong Data

Provided Message Identifier isn't defined ifor teh indicated List in the MailUp Account.

{ListId} will be replaced with the provided List Identifier.

{IdMessage} will be replaced with the provided Message Identifier.

Not valid SMTP+ credentialsWrong DataProvided SMTP+ credentials aren't enabled for the MailUp Account.

MailUp Internal Problems

Error message



An error was thrown and the FTP ZIP process could not complete. Please take contact with Mailup Support


This is a generic Exception message. It usually relates to internal server issues and they’re thrown regardless of the user defined settings inside Settings.xml


Please take contact with Mailup support, or retry to submit the same campaign ( with a renewed Campaign Code though ).


Success Messages


titleClick here to see success messages

MailUp Internal Problem:

  • Can't open .zip archive 
  • Impossible create email Message on the MailUp List
  • Impossible Import subscribers in MailUp
  • Impossible Sent email message
Retry, i problem persists, please take contact with Mailup Support.

Success Messages 




FTP ZIP delivered and created successfully the newsletter


Error message






FTP ZIP delivered correctly the full ZIP package, including attachments.



import package successfully delivered to server