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Adding a newsletter subscription form to your Facebook company page

You can add a subscription form to your Facebook company/product page by adding a new tab that will load the newsletter signup form.

You can see a simple example on the MailUp Facebook page: notice the "MailUp Newsletter" tab in the screen shot above (or visit the page on Facebook).

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In a nutshell:

  1. Create a subscription form that posts to your MailUp account. There are several ways to do so (see below).
  2. Host it on a page reachable on the HTTPS protocol
  3. Use that URL in Facebook to create a new Facebook page tab

Here are all the details.

About Facebook page tabs

Facebook Page Tabs allow you to load on Facebook a page hosted elsewhere, controlled by you. This gives you great flexibility on both appearance and functionality.

The tab is basically an iFrame containing another page, hosted on a secure URL outside of Facebook. 

There are a couple of important limitations to keep in mind:

  • The page must be hosted on the HTTPS protocol
  • The page cannot be an HTML page (if must be a *.aspx, *.php, *.asp, or other dynamic page)

As far as we are concerned, this means that you can load a newsletter subscription form, controlling both contents and look & feel of the form.

Preparing the signup form

The newsletter signup form:

  • Must be hosted on the HTTPS protocol. MailUp-hosted forms are not hosted on HTTPS, so you can't just use one of those hosted form pages. That said, you can certainly take the form code and use it in a page hosted on the HTTPS protocol.
  • You can create the form in a variety of ways:
    • Copy the HTML source code from a MailUp-hosted form
    • Copy the HTML source code from a custom form
    • Use the code from the quick form feature
    • Create a newsletter signup form from scratch: the form can contain anything, as long as the syntax is correct and compatible with your MailUp account. Technically savvy users: see detailed syntax options here

How to create a Facebook Page Tab

Now that you have the form ready, you will use it to populate a Facebook Page Tab.

A Page Tab is considered an App by Facebook, so you will need to create a new app. Here are the simple steps to follow:



405 Error - HTTP verb used to access the page is not allowed

If you received a 405 error when loading the page tab, the problems is very likely that you are attempting to load an HTML page. You must instead load a dynamic page.

For details, please see: la funzionalità "Aggiungi un pulsante Iscriviti" di Facebook puoi sfruttare la tua pagina Facebook per fare database building e acquisire nuovi iscritti in MailUp. Vediamo insieme come.

Funzionalità "Aggiungi un pulsante Iscriviti" di Facebook

Con la funzionalità Facebook "Aggiungi un pulsante" puoi:

  • Aggiungere un modulo d'iscrizione email e/o sms alle tue pagine Facebook in pochi clic
  • Collegare una Landing page totalmente personalizzata con modulo d'iscrizione email e/o sms alle tue pagine Facebook in pochi clic
  • Selezionare quali campi mostrare nel modulo e sfruttare tutte le potenzialità dei form della piattaforma
  • Impostare per ogni campo la tipologia (testo, data, scelta multipla ecc.)
  • Selezionare in quale lista MailUp indirizzare i nuovi iscritti
  • Migliorare la profilazione delle iscrizioni usando i gruppi (es. inviami aggiornamenti su: calcio, tennis, sci)
  • Personalizzare il tuo form applicando lo Stile pagine al tuo form.

Come creare un nuovo pulsante su Facebook

1: Aggiungi un nuovo pulsante sulla tua pagina di Facebook

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2: Seleziona la tipologia "Iscrizione"

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3: Inserire il link del form creato in piattaforma (puoi recuperare il link nel form in piattaforma dopo averlo salvato)

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4: Salva

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Ora il tuo form di iscrizione è disponibile sulla tua pagina Facebook.