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This document contains all the information you need to connect MailUp to external systems such as Web sites, ecommerce applications, CRM, ERP and CMS systems, and so on. Use of the MailUp API is free of charge, except


for data synchronization via Batch FTP. The FTP space used for the integrations is never included in the MailUp service, and is usually provided by the customer.

titleEmail & SMS
You can use the SOAP API to send both e-mail and text messages

Ready To Go integrations

Many systems can be integrated with MailUp via Web Services or by setting up an automatic file exchange. In some cases, the integration has already been performed and available as a plugin, extension or connector to another application. Among them, you will find "ready to go" integrations with:

  • Magento: it allows to export a list of contacts with specific features from the e-commerce platform to MailUp . Downloadable free of charge from Magento Connect;
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM: it allows to create a “marketing list” and send it an email message chosen among the available messages in the MailUp console, with the freedom to schedule mailings and receive delivery details directly in the CRM. To purchase the connector visit the product page: MailUp Connector for MS Dynamics CRM;
  • Wordpress: widget that allows to easily insert a subscription form to a distribution list in MailUp. Plugin can be downloaded from Wordpress site.

Several MailUp partners have developed other integrations, e.g. with VTiger or ProductCart. MailUp is always willing to provide the necessary support to develop integrations with applications that are already widely used in Italy or abroad.

Typical Workflow


In a nutshell, the MailUp API allows you to send a message from an external Web site or other application:

Typical Workflow

In a typical workflow, the MailUp database is automatically fed with data from the external system, so that manual imports can be avoided. MailUp then returns important information such as unsubscribed users, invalid email addresses and marketing statistics.


 In order to understand which solution better suits your needs, let's look at your scenario.

  • Is the database managed inside or outside MailUp? 
  • Is the email message composed inside or outside MailUp?


Here you can find recommended MailUp API methods to execute specific tasks.

For sending transactional emails, you have a choice of using our SMTP relay or transactional messaging APIs.

Plugins, extensions, etc.

Many systems can be integrated with MailUp via our APIs. In some cases, the integration has already been performed and available as a plugin, extension or connector to another application. Learn more about existing MailUp integrations.

Let's Get Started

So, let's get started with the MailUp API: first, let's look at a few terms that are used throughout this documentation.

Child pages (Children Display)


Peace of Mind

When you integrate your application with MailUp, you have the peace of mind of knowing that MailUp will always ensure that messages are never sent to:

  1. Duplicate email addresses;
  2. Recipients that unsubscribed;
  3. Recipients that reported SPAM (feedback loop management);
  4. Recipients that used the List-Unsubscribe system to unsubscribe;
  5. Recipients that reported a Hard Bounce 550 5.1.1 (invalid address, mailbox not found).