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In MailUp you can


quickly create customized registration forms. Thanks to the drag & drop editor, you just have to choose the elements


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Create a new subscription form in 7 quick steps:


on the right, such as texts, fields, checkboxes and drag them to the form creation area on the left.

You can create a form in 4 simple steps:

  • Add a name to the form

  • Compose the form by dragging the elements from the right column to the left area

  • Configure the options of each element by clicking on the



All forms created using the editor contain HTML5 markup. If you choose to use the version hosted in MailUp, this will also include a personalized CSS, that transforms the form into a responsive one, optimized for smartphones and tablets.

Furthermore, the link (Form URL) that is shown after saving the form shows a page rendered, where there is an ad hoc javascript validation.

Other features


  • row

  • Watch the preview of the form and save by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page

How to use the form?

To distribute the form you have 2 possibilities:

  1. Use HTML code. Use the "Get HTML" button to get the code of the form you created. This will be without style (CSS code), just HTML5 markup. The validation of the mandatory fields is via browsers. Even if requested, it is not possible to have the invisible captcha protection, but it will always be possible to add it later on your site (here is the Google guide to insert it

  2. Use the public URL of the form (it is generated after the first save). With this URL, you can take your users to the created form, hosted on a MailUp page. In this case, CSS styles will also be included and the validation of the required fields will be via Javascript.

Creation of the form

Where can I find the contacts acquired with this form?

The new contacts are automatically saved in a group created and associated with the form. You can find the group in the Recipients > Groups page. On the page you can search for the name of the form which also gives the name of the group. Please note that new contacts can be in 2 states: "Pending" (when they still have to confirm) and "Subscribed" (following confirmation).

Answering options

Within the form, you can enter a field with multiple response options.

  • If there is only one answer: use the "Radio buttons" element (recommended when there are limited options) or the "Drop-down menu" element.

  • If there are more than one answers: use the "Checkbox" element.

For each of these elements, you can change the settings and establish the answers including the user using the "Options to show" field. To separate each entry, use the carriage return (with the Enter key). These replies will be saved in the recipient’s profile, specifically in the selected recipient field.

It is possible to save a different value in the recipient’s profile from the one shown in the form; this can be useful if the answer is longer than 200 characters or if you need to


maintain the consistency of the data






can I save a text other than the one shown in the form in the recipient's profile?


In the


"Options to show" field, write the pair Choice || Value




  • "Choice" is the text


  • displayed within the form


  • ;


  • "Value" is the


  • replacement data


  • to be saved in the


  • personal data field and which will constitute the recipient's profile.

For example, by writing Italian || IT:


  • "Italian" will be


  • displayed in the form as a choice option for the user;


  • "IT" will be the text saved in the recipient's personal data field, instead of


  • "Italian".



create a list of


items, you need to write:


        Italian || IT


        France || FR


        Spain || ES


       etc ...




Hidden groups are not visible in the form and allow to add subscribers to a certain group.

titleHidden groups

Use hidden groups to create a group containing all your users that have filled in your form. Lately, you will be able to activate a dedicated campaign to thank them with a promo code.

Currently, it is only possible to use add as hidden groups, groups available in the current list. If you are creating a multi-list form, you will not be able to use the hidden groups element.

titleGroup or List?


Groups are a subset of recipients (typically subscribers) within a List. Recipients can belong to multiple groups (similarly to “Categories” in MS Outlook). A group can be created, edited, or deleted at any time. The recipients that it contains will not be affected. When importing recipients, you can specify one or more groups that they should be assigned to. Groups are List-specific: they will not be visible in other Lists.

Unlike filters, Groups allow you to create static segments of recipients. If a recipient is added to the Group "Subscribed on Facebook", the recipient will stay assigned to the Group until removed.

Lists (or Environments)

A List - also referred to as an Environment - is an independent set of messages, settings, statistics, filters, events, groups, subscribers, unsubscribed recipients, etc.

You can create multiple Lists in the platform, as long as your account has purchased that feature and as long as your user has the rights to do so.

Groups are a static segment within a List. Therefore, Groups are always a subset of the recipients that exist in a List.

Invisible reCAPTCHA

The reCAPTCHA is a service that protects your form from spam and abuse that consists of asking one or more questions when an atypical behavior is detected. It protects users from spam and password decryption by asking them to complete a simple test that proves that the user is a human being and not a computer trying to break an account.

We call it "invisible" because it is activated when an atypical behavior is detected.

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The invisible reCAPTCHA is by default enabled in forms.

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Please note that if the invisible reCAPTCHA is enabled, the form won't be embeddable in a website.

Send registration confirmation email


Entries in multiple lists

Using the "Subscribe to other lists" element, you can ask the visitor of the form which distribution list he wants to subscribe, in addition to the "current" one to which they are subscribed by default: in this way he will be able to choose what type of communications to receive (eg a user can decide to subscribe to the "Flash offers "And not the" Newsletter "). You can change the name of the lists visible in the form, by going to the element settings.

Automatic registration in groups not visible to the user

The "Profiling groups" element is not visible to the visitor of the form and allows a non-obvious profiling of the user, who, once the form has been completed and sent, is inserted into the groups established in the settings. You can use these groups later to activate targeted campaigns, for example by sending a thank you email with a dedicated discount code.


Currently it’s possible to choose only groups of the list in which you are working. If you are creating a form with subscription to multiple lists, it is not possible for these to establish a specific group but they will be collected without an assigned group.


Group or List?

The data structure in MailUp provides independent lists, conceived as completely isolated environments so as to manage databases of contacts of different customers on the same platform, or to allow independent subscriptions to different newsletters or in different languages. A group, on the other hand, is a subset of recipients within a List. Here you will find more information.

Form protection

Form protection with invisible captcha


The invisible captcha is a form security measure that protects the form from abuse, users from spam and keeps your database clean with only real contacts.

In most cases, the control takes place invisibly to the visitor because the tool interprets whether the interaction with the page is by a person rather than an automatic bot. Only in case of suspicious activity, the captcha administers a simple test to understand if the person filling out the form is a human.

Form protection with the Subscription confirmation request message


Use the Subscription confirmation request message to prevent the form from being filled out by automatic bots and fake or malicious contacts from being registered as Subscribers, without going through a manual check by the user who owns the mailbox.

This simple, but essential measure to keep your contact database clean and to avoid reports of abuse from recipients who have not given explicit consent.

Other features

  • You can create an HTML copy of the forms from action menu in list page 

  • You can change the name of the groups and lists to which the user subscribes, in element settings.

  • You can ask for consent to the privacy policy.

Options available depending on the active subscription

Sending customized Subscription confirmation email for each form

The compilation of a registration form provides - by default - the sending of the registration confirmation email in which the new recipient has to confirm This process reduces the risk of the form being abused and the acquired contacts database damaged. To retrieve the email that is sent, go to the section Subscriptions > Subscription Confirmation Email.

Depending on the active subscription, it is also possible, always on the same pageyou can:

  • choose a different email for each drag &

    drop subscription

    drop registration form



  • decide not to send the confirmation request message and register the contact directly when filling out the form.


Customized Welcome email for


each form

The welcome email is an automatic message sent to the recipients who are registered on the list in the permitted ways. To retrieve the email that is sent automatically, go to the section Subscriptions> Welcome email.a message that you can send to all recipients as soon as they sign up. You can activate the automation and set the email to be sent in the Subscriptions > Welcome email

Depending on the active subscription, you can also:

  • choose

    decide to send a different email for each drag &

    drop subscription

    drop registration form

  • don't

    decide not to send the welcome



  • message for that single form

Customized post-signup response messages for each form

After filling out a subscription registration form, users see a page with the outcome result of the subscription registration ("Thank you for subscribingyour registration! You will soon receive our newsletters soon." or Or "Attention, your email was already subscribed to our newsletter", etc.). This page can be be customized or replaced with a dedicated landing page, created with our landing page editor pages (created in MailUp or hosted on your site).

Depending on the active subscription, it 's is possible to define different texts for each drag & drop sign-up form to be used form that will be shown on the post-subscription page, excluding dedicated landing pages.

How to share the form

You can use and share the form in the following ways:

  • via URL generated after saving the form
  • generating a button to insert on your site (Generate button)
  • generating the code to insert on your site (Save and generate code)

To facilitate the grouping of new contacts, your form subscribers will be saved in a group created automatically when the form is saved.

The group available in the Recipients> Groups> Groups area and will be identified with the initial part of the form name (this name cannot be changed).

In this group will be inserted all the contacts who fill out the registration form.