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Here are some of the terms that are used frequently in the MailUp documentation.

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The administration console area that MailUp users access to create, send, and track messages. In the MailUp system, it's often synonymous of "account".


All data in MailUp is structured in independent LISTS, which are isolated one from the other. The e-mail address is used as the record identifier. LISTS are useful because :  they allow you to manage different brands/companies/clients/etc. within the same MailUp consoleaccount, or different newsletters (e.g. different topics, different languages, different frequency, etc.). Specific to each LIST are settings (e.g. messages shown when users subscribe or unsubscribe), contacts, messages, statistics, etc.

Table of Contents


The administration area that MailUp users access to create, send, and track messages.



  • A list is an independent set of messages, settings, statistics, filters, events, groups, subscribers, unsubscribers, etc. 
  • You can create as many
  • LISTS as you wish in your MailUp console.
  • The e-mail address is used as the record identifier for recipients within a LIST
  • Each recipient subscribes and unsubscribers at the LIST level. 
  • Shared across LISTS within the same CONSOLE are the custom fields that hold recipient information (recipient fields).
  • LIST GUIDAn alphanumeric, unique identifier for each List. Whereas the List code (e.g. List number 5) exists in multiple MailUp accounts, the List GUID uniquely identifies the list, across all MailUp accounts. It can be located under Settings > Edit Lists.


An individual message. Since MailUp is a multi-channel marketing system, a "message" could be an email, text, or social message.


Same as "message", but only for the "email" channel. In other words, when we say "newsletter" in this documentation, we refer to an individual e-mail message.


It refers to all subscribed contacts. They appear as “enabled” on the page that shows their personal information. The status can be changed manually.


It refers to all unsubscribed contacts. They appear as “disabled” in the MailUp console.


Users that opted in, received a confirmation request e-mail (double opt-in), but have not clicked on the confirmation link.


A subset of contacts. Contacts can belong to multiple groups (similarly to “Categories” in MS Outlook). A group can be created or deleted at any time. The contacts that it contains will not be affected. When importing contacts, you can specify one or more groups.


Contacts in your LISTS are called recipients: that's why they are there: to receive information from you.
Click here to learn more about recipients management 


In MailUp a recipient is always in one of 3 statuses:

  1. PENDING (or OPT-IN): by default MailUp uses a confirmed opt-in subscription model. A pending subscriber is a recipient that has not yet confirmed their subscription.
  2. SUBSCRIBED (or OPT-OUT): a recipient that has confirmed their subscription (or a recipient that has subscribed when a single opt-in is used).
  3. UNSUBSCRIBED: a recipient that is no longer subscribed to that LIST, and will therefore no longer receive any messages in that LIST. A recipient can be unsubscribed for a variety of reasons (e.g. they unsubscribed via an unsubscribed link, due to a hard-bounce, etc.).


Every contact in the system has its information saved into up to 39 recipient fields (also called personal data fields)


They can be applied to the personal data fields and allow you to dynamically create a subset of contacts, based on the conditions listed in the filter(s). Groups and filters can be used at the same time to further segment your contacts database.


Every contact in the system has its information saved into up to 40 personal data fields (max 100 characters each). By default only 10 data fields are available in a MailUp console. The number grows to 40 with the Marketing+ package


A subset of contacts. Contacts can belong to multiple groups (similarly to “Categories” in MS Outlook). A group can be created or deleted at any time. The contacts that it contains will not be affected. When importing contacts, you can specify one or more groups.


The key field in the MailUp contacts database. Subscribing and unsubscribing is are List-specific, so the same e-mail can be a subscriber in one List and not in another.


An alphanumeric, unique identifier for each List. Whereas the List code (e.g. List number 5) exists in multiple MailUp accounts, the List GUID uniquely identifies the list, across all MailUp accounts. It can be located under Settings > Edit Lists.


Each MailUp Console has a unique Web address: a unique "third-level" domain that identifies the MailUp account on the Internet. For example, "".

A custom domain can be pointed to your MailUp's third-level domain, as part of the Private Labeling feature.Note: the first level of the domain is the domain type (e.g. ".com", ".net", etc.). The second level is the actual name of the domain (e.g. in, "mailup" is the second level). The third-level is typically used to identify what the domain points to (e.g. "www" is used to say that it points to a World Wide Web page, whereas "ftp" typically points to an FTP server). For more details, see the "Domain Name" Wikipedia page at LOGO feature. Learn more about configuring a C-NAME to point to MailUp.