Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Idalways set to zero 

Specify here MailUp list ID (or zero if filter is applicable to all lists).
Please note that you cannot extend to all lists a filter that applies on a specific message

NameNumber that identifies console ID 
DescriptionFree text description, can be overwritten if you open and save the filter using MailUp console 
CategoryCategory ID. Each filter should belong to a category, IDs can be retrieved by reading from tooltips (more on this) 
Conditions[ ]

Array of conditions (at list one). Each condition is composed of the following fields:

  • Id (always set to zero)
  • IdFilter (always set to zero)
  • LogicalOperation (allowed values: None for the first condition, AND, OR for the other conditions)
  • Type (see table below)
  • IdMessage (newsletter ID, integer value)
  • Link (to be used for filter that apply to clicks)
  • FromDate (start date, ISO format yyyy-mm-dd)
  • ToDate (end date, ISO format yyyy-mm-dd)
