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Method parameters


  • string SendDirectSMS(string accessKey, int listIDstring subject, string typestring content, string numero, Option[] options)
    • accessKey: access key obtained using the LoginFromId method
    • listID: list identifier. Lists and corresponding IDs can be obtained calling the GetLists Method
    • content: message text source
      • type = ID, content is the identifier of the text message to be sent
    • numero: recipient's number. Use international prefix (either with 00 or +), otherwise default list prefix will be applied
    • options: an array of key/value pairs for options setting. Only the following optins options are available for this method:
      • from: sender of the text messagemessage (note: restrictions may apply in some countries and the sender may be overwritten, please contact us for country specific information)
      • isUnicode: boolean value indicating whether to use Western alphabets only (0 means "false"), or Eastern alphabets as well, such as Arabic, Russian, Chinese, and so on (1 means "true").
      • MessageId: the ID of the message used to store statistical data


Statistical data about this message will be stored in the message "Default N" , (where "N" indicates the list identifier) or in the message identified by MessageId if declared in the Options.


If error code=0, the call to the method was successful and the method returns the details of the sending
