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2015-05 New transactional email API & updated SMTP relay

Great news for those that use MailUp to send transactional emails.

Lots of new features and substantial performance improvements.

2014-10-14 Confirmed opt-in and scheduled sending added to Version 1.1

What's new

  1. Performance improvement - API response time has been significantly reduced
  2. Added restriction - HTTP 403 error is returned if authenticated user has not yet accepted the MailUp "Terms of Service", which appears the first time the user signs in with the admin console account
  3. New features - version 1.1 has been extended with the following methods.

Confirmed opt-in for single subscriber (synchronous)

POST Console/List/{ListID}/Recipient?ConfirmEmail=true

Adds a new subscriber to the specified list with the "Confirmed Optin" option turned on, which is an email marketing best practice. Recipient is added as "pending" and a confirmation request email is automatically sent.

POST Console/Group/{GroupID}/Recipient?ConfirmEmail=true

Same as above, but the recipient is both (a) added to specified group and (b) subscribed to the list that the specified group belongs to.

Confirmed opt-in for multiple subscribers (asynchronous)

POST Console/List/{ListID}/Recipients?ConfirmEmail=true

Adds a list of subscribers to the specified list with the "Confirmed Optin" option turned on. Recipients are added as "pending" and a confirmation request email is queued but not automatically sent

POST Console/Group/{GroupID}/Recipients?ConfirmEmail=true

Same as above, but recipients are both (a) added to specified group and (b) subscribed to the list that the specified group belongs to.

GET Console/Import/{id_import}/Sending

Gets the ID of the mailing that has been created in the system when adding recipients with the "Confirmed Optin" option set as 'true'. The mailing refers to the subscription confirmation request message.

POST Console/Email/Sendings/{id_Sending}/Immediate

Schedules a mailing for immediate sending (i.e. send as soon as possible).

POST Console/Email/Sendings/{id_Sending}/Deferred

Sets up a mailing for scheduled delivery (i.e. send at specified date and time)

Bulk unsubscription

POST Console/List/{ListID}/Recipients?importType='asOptout' 

Allows you to "import as unsubscribed" a list of specified recipients. Please note that this import task will affect current subscribers, forcing their subscription status to "unsubscribed".

Send queue management

GET Console/Email/Sendings/Immediate

Retrieves from the sending queue the list of email messages that are currently queued up for "immediate sending".

GET Console/Email/Sendings/Deferred

 Retrieves from the sending queue the list of email messages that are currently scheduled for deferred delivery.

GET Console/Email/Sendings/Undefined

Retrieves from the sending queue the list of messages that are neither "scheduled" nor queued up for "immediate sending". This is a "limbo" state that messages are placed into when they are removed from the queue either manually or because there was an issue.

GET Console/Email/Sending/{id_Sending}/Deferred

Retrieves the earliest date to schedule the given sending task.

Scheduled mailing

POST Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/Send?datetime='1994-11-05T13:15:30Z'

Allows you to schedule a specific message for deferred delivery. Make sure to use the UTC time zone when specifying the date and time. 

2013-10-10 Version 1.1 updates

Version 1.1 has been updated with two new methods:


GET - Console/List/{id_List}/Recipient/{id_Recipient}/Groups

Retrieves the list of groups to which the specified recipient has been assigned

GET - Console/List/{id_List}/Archived/Emails

Retrieves the list of the archived emails in the specified list


2013-10-10 Version 1.1 has been released

Version 1.1 has been officially released (see change log) and BETA has been removed. Online documentation is now updated.

2013-07-25 Filtering and ordering coming in v1.1 

How the REST API is evolving

We're already at work on a new version of the REST API.

Version 1.0 of the MailUp REST API is already being used in some integrations, including the MailUp App for Salesforce. We are still optimizing it for big volumes of data (this is the main reason for the BETA tag) and, at the same time, we are working to introduce additional filtering, paging, and ordering capabilities in version "1.1".

Some changes in the API related to these new features will affect backward compatibility, and therefore version 1.1 will be released with a different endpoint.

Expected release date for v1.1 is some time in September 2013. When version 1.1 is released:

  • The MailUp REST API will be OUT OF BETA for both versions 1.0 and 1.1
  • If you are using version 1.0, you will be able to continue using it
  • Migrating to v1.1 is recommended if you want to benefit from the new features

We don't expect that you will be frequently asked to switch endpoint: please consider this as a rare case that is due to the young age of the MailUp REST API project. Future improvements are expected to be applied to version 1.1 without backward compatibility problems.

New features in v1.1

Here is a list of new features that will be available in v1.1:

  • Get requests: all the HTTP GET requests that return a collection of items will have a total counter and pagination info alongside with the Items collection itself;
  • Default pagination values: all the requests that return a collection of items will be paginated by default with a page size of 20…no more entire collection by default,
  • Entire collection: if you want the entire collection you’ll have to setup a particular value for pageSize or pageNumber;
  • Ordering: with the new release it will be possible to specify complex ordering filters on multiple fields and - if needed - different sorting directions (ex. order by=” id, category-id desc; title asc ”)
  • Filtering: new complex query parser will be added to allow developers to filter collections “as they wish” (ex. filter by=”  [idColor==’Blue’ || idColor.Contains(‘Azure’)] && [id <= 30 && id != 10] ”)

2013-07-15 Documentation of REST API v1.0 officially released 

The MailUp REST API documentation is now public.

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