Allows to duplicate a message in MailUp.

Method parameters

Parameters listGuid e listId can be used together or alternatively, passing one of them as null or empty: in the first case the list is verified using both parameters, otherwise using only the provided parameter.

The method returns:

CloneMessage method synchronously executes the following steps:

  1. Duplication of the MailUp message
  2. ID of new message is returned to the caller

CloneMessage method asynchronously executes a copy of the files of the message to be cloned.

Inconsistency: the response of CloneMessage method is different from many other MailUpSend methods because it does not include "errorCode" and "errorDescription" fields.


SOAP Examples

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ws="">
         <!--Use accessKey value that is returned by LoginFromId method-->
         <ws:subject>I'm a cloned message</ws:subject>         
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <CloneMessageResponse xmlns="">