Used to send a bulk email campaign. It supports scheduling of the campaign (if a schedule is not specified, the message is queued up immediately).


Method parameters

If error code=0, the message will contain the ID of the sending

SOAP Examples

Sample requests

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ws="">
				<ws:Option> <ws:Key>send_to</ws:Key> <ws:Value>RECIPIENTS</ws:Value> </ws:Option>
				<ws:Option> <ws:Key>from_name</ws:Key> <ws:Value>Your favorite dealer</ws:Value> </ws:Option>
				<ws:Option> <ws:Key>recipients</ws:Key> <ws:Value></ws:Value> </ws:Option>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ws="">
		<ws:Option> <ws:Key>send_to</ws:Key> <ws:Value>ALL</ws:Value> </ws:Option>
		<ws:Option> <ws:Key>from_name</ws:Key> <ws:Value>Your favorite dealer</ws:Value> </ws:Option>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ws="">
		<ws:Option> <ws:Key>send_to</ws:Key> <ws:Value>RECIPIENTS</ws:Value> </ws:Option>
		<ws:Option> <ws:Key>from_name</ws:Key> <ws:Value>Your favorite dealer</ws:Value> </ws:Option>
		<ws:Option> <ws:Key>from_email</ws:Key> <ws:Value></ws:Value> </ws:Option>
		<ws:Option> <ws:Key>recipients</ws:Key> <ws:Value></ws:Value> </ws:Option>
		<!-- Use the options below to schedule delivery at 04/09/2012 14:30:00  GMT +1 -->
		<ws:Option> <ws:Key>deliverydt</ws:Key> <ws:Value>20120904143000</ws:Value> </ws:Option>
		<ws:Option> <ws:Key>timezone</ws:Key> <ws:Value>0</ws:Value> </ws:Option>

Sample responses

	<deliveryStatus>Sending in progress</deliveryStatus>
	<deliveryStatus>Delivery scheduled at 04/09/2012 14:30:00  GMT 1</deliveryStatus>

Recipient fields (merge tags)

You can pass to the system values that will be saved in the recipient database as Recipient fields, and can be used in the message as merge tags (dynamic fields).

The number of elements indicated for each "campo<nn>" parameter must match the number of addresses in the "recipients" parameter.

For example, let's say the message is sent to three recipients. The recipients parameter will look as follows:;;


Now let's assume that you want to pass to the system the recipients' first and last name as part of the API call. Let's also assume that those fields are saved in the first two Recipient fields (campo1 and campo2). The API call will have to include 3 items for each semi-colon separated array of values:


In case of empty personal data fields, the number of elements must always be the same. In the example below, empty values are passed for the second recipient:


Code samples

# Refer to for gem information.
require 'mailup'
m ='username', 'password')
m.send_newsletter(:newsletterID => 3, "Options" => {:from_email => '..."})
# => <SendNewsletterResult><errorCode>0</errorCode><errorDescription></errorDescription>...</SendNewsletterResult>"
$WsSend = new MailUpWsSend(); //MailUpWsSend class handles endpoints and access key
// Prepare sending of message 294 to recipients of group 481 (that belong to list 66)
$sendNewsletterData = array("listID" => "66",
						   "newsletterID" => "294",
						   "options" => array(						   
										array("Key" =>"from_email", "Value" => ""),
										array("Key" =>"from_name", "Value" => "Your Dealer"),
										array("Key" =>"send_to", "Value" => "GROUPS"),
										array("Key" =>"recipients", "Value" => "481"))