Gets status and details about an import process.

Method parameters

GetProcessDetails(int idList, string listGUID, int idProcess)

ReturnCode=0 for successful requests, otherwise a negative value is returned.

Returned results contains the following information:

The "mobile" fields refer to text messaging (SMS) and are not part of integrations with third party systems.

SOAP Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="">
    <ImportProcess idProcess="275">
      <StartDate>30/10/2012 15.39.12</StartDate>
      <EndDate>30/10/2012 15.39.24</EndDate>
      <!-- ConfirmationSent is empty if Confirmation request was not set during import --> 
    <ImportProcess idProcess="4">
      <StartDate>14/06/2013 10.36.19</StartDate>
      <EndDate>14/06/2013 10.36.25</EndDate>
      <!-- When Confirmation request (double optin) is required the process details will contain ConfirmationEmail=true and ConfirmationSent will have a value (True or False) -->
      <!-- Please note that when you set confirm=1 (true) during import process the confirmation email is not automatically sent, it is simply enqueued. Then you will have to manually send enqueued message by selecting Email > SendStatus > Send Now on your MailUp console -->
      <!-- Value of ConfirmationSent field is False until MailUp user proceeds with manually sending the enqueued confirmation requests -->
    <ImportProcess idProcess="4">
      <StartDate>14/06/2013 10.36.19</StartDate>
      <EndDate>14/06/2013 10.36.25</EndDate>
      <!-- User has manually sent enqueued confirmation messages -->

Error codes

Error codeDescription
-500unrecognized error
-501idProcess not found

Ruby Example

# Refer to for gem information.
require 'mailup'
m ='username', 'password', 'console_url')
m.get_process_details(:idList => 123456, :listGuid => 123456, :idProcess => 123)
# => <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"windows-1252\" ?><mailupMessage><mailupBody><ReturnCode>0</ReturnCode><ImportProcess idProcess="17">...</ImportProcess></mailupBody></mailupMessage>