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The custom sender is a feature that allows you to send personalized SMS campaigns, replacing the sender's phone number with a custom name (such as your company name).


Sender statusDescriptionWhat to do
Phase 1

The request has been received. We are carrying out the preliminary checks, before forwarding it to AGCOM.

Wait for the status update.

  • If any data is incorrect, the status will become "Not approved" with an indication of what needs to be fixed.
  • If the checks are successful, the request will be forwarded to AGCOM.

The request has been received but is temporarily pending as the requested sender does not match with the company name.

We are working on updating the platform. Wait until further notice.

Phase 2

The new sender's request did not pass the preliminary checks. The reasons for refusal can be the following:

Incorrect Sender name (company name does not coincide with that of the customer on the platform)

Check and modify the data entered in the registry. They must match those of the platform buyer.

PEC address incorrect

The PEC address entered in the registry is not registered. We ask you to change it or try another PEC address. Save changes to re-apply for approval.

A generic name or not corresponding to the company name

The sender you are requesting does not match your company name or is not linked to it.

Name too generic and unsuitable for the identification, by the recipient, of the person responsible for the content of the communication or the good or service offered by him

The sender you are requesting does not match your company name or is not attributable to it.

Incorrect VAT number

The VAT number entered in the Sender's name is not correct. Replace this data in the "associated Sender name" section. Save changes to re-apply for approval.

The new sender's request has passed the preliminary checks and has been forwarded to AGCOM for final approval.

Wait for the outcome from AGCOM.

Phase 3

The sender has been approved.

You can start sending SMS campaigns with your new custom sender.

The request of the new sender was rejected by AGCOM. The reasons may be the following:

"Campo cliente_codicefiscale non corretto"

Incorrect tax_code

The tax code entered in the sender's name is not correct. Replace this data in the "associated sender name" section. Save changes to re-apply for approval.

"Campo cliente_partitaiva non corretto"

Incorrect VAT_number

The VAT number entered in the Sender's name is not correct. Replace this data in the "associated Sender name" section. Save changes to re-apply for approval.

"Campo cliente_pec non corretto"

PEC_address incorrect

The PEC address entered in the registry is not registered. We ask you to change it or try another PEC address. Save changes to re-apply for approval.

"La registrazione di nuovi alias e' temporaneamente sospesa"

Registration of new aliases is temporarily suspended

AGCOM has temporarily suspended the approval of new senders. Wait for the service to be re-established.

"Nessuna nota"

No info

AGCOM provided no explanation for the refusal. Try re-entering the request.

You have requested to delete this sender. We are processing the request.

Do nothing. Once the deletion is complete, the sender will be removed from the list.


What are the rules an Alias sender is considered legitimate?

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It has to be clear who is the sender of the communication. It must be distinctive, not detrimental to the rights of others, and not misleading


for the recipient. The sender can't start with a number. For example, are illegal:

  • simple names of the person ("Raffaella")
  • names and


  • last names not related to the business name of the company and which do not denote the  profession (e.g. instead of "MarioRossi" use "Lawyer Rossi ")
  • generic names or common used (eg. "event", "Mum", "Attorney", "comedian", "dry cleaners", " legal, "State school" etc.)
  • simple words like Greetings

I do not have


If you are a private person (without VAT number or fiscal code number), you will have to stop sending with textual ALIAS senders. As a sender, you'll need to use an existing phone number.

Can I registrarei my ALIAS direct to AGCOM?

No, in order to access the AGCOM DB you must be authorized and registered to Registro degli Operatori di Comunicazione

Can I then continue to use the sender as before?

If you have a VAT number, the important thing is that they are not "generic" senders, as "restaurant", "administration", "office" ... it must be a real explanatory of responsible for who is sending.

A company can register multiple aliases?

Yes, but must be justified. For example if your company Barilla has the mark MulinoBianco, you can record both the alias Barilla the alias MulinoBianco

The same alias can be assigned to multiple companies?

Yes, for example if BarPippo spa exists in Rome and a second BarPippo srl in Milan, both of which are entitled to use the sender "BarPippo". In case a final recipient an sms asking to your operator the details of the sender of a MESSAGE, the operator will check with AGCOM and will result in two companies.

I am a retailer/Agency, what should I do?

In the MailUp console will be available a new section where the reseller will register aliases on behalf of its customers. Each alias should include the company's info, not the reseller's one. Resellers/agencies will leave the customer filling out the form. Every list will then have a pre-set sender and its registry responsible for sending. For example if the Agency PippoADV Ltd. making submissions on behalf of Pirelli, or resold to Pirelli, will enter service in the registry associated with the Pirelli corporate data, not by PippoADV srl

Who can access the AGCOM DB?

All data entered will be used exclusively for recording in the AGCOM DB, which will be available only by access operators (Vodafone, Tim, Wind, H3G, etc.). These will be able to question him entering an ALIAS (eg. BarPippo) and receiving as a result of BarPippo data (without details on the Agency/dealer nor the manufacturer of the console).

When the new rules will actually be in place?

The resolution provides for an experimental period until 12/31/2014. Registration of A.K.A might start the next few months, we are expecting that AGCOM we provide your login information to log information in their DB.

Are a company not Italian, what do I do?

Apply the same procedures as an italian company

What happens if I do not respect the rules and use of illegitimate senders?


a VAT number and/or Tax Code, can I request a textual Sender?

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According to the current AGCOM rules, if you are a private individual, a body (such as a Municipality), or an ONLUS without a VAT number and/or tax code, you cannot send to Italian numbers with textual ALIAS senders. You can still carry out SMS campaigns using a numeric sender.

Can I register my Custom Senders directly with AGCOM?

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No, in order to access the AGCOM registers you must be authorized operators registered in the Register of Communication Operators (ROC).

Can a company register multiple aliases?

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Yes, but it must be justified. For example, if the Barilla company has the MulinoBianco brand, you can register both the Barilla alias and the MulinoBianco alias. According to the resolution, in fact, the Alia is constituted in such a way as to facilitate as much as possible the identification by the recipient of the person responsible for the content of the communication or the good / service offered, at the same time, the possibility of inducing false identifications. It must be distinctive of the user, not detrimental to the rights of others, and not misleading for the recipient.

I am a reseller/agency, can I request a custom sender?

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Yes, through the MailUp platform you can request the approval of a text sender other than your brand. All requests must be made by the buyer of the platform and must include an official document certifying the legitimacy of using a brand other than their own.

How long does it take to approve a new custom sender?

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The process of authorizing an alphanumeric sender requires several steps and verifications. Once the request has been filled in, it is subjected to a first check by MailUp. At this stage, the request may be rejected with an indication to change the incorrect and/or missing information. Once the preliminary checks have been passed, the request will be forwarded to AGCOM. This last phase does not depend on MailUp and could take a few days.

Which characters are allowed for the creation of a custom sender?

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Since some Italian operators do not yet support all the characters provided by AGCOM, some limitations have been inserted in the platform that restricts the range of usable characters.

Allowed characters:

The text sender must be up to 11 characters long and the first cannot be a number.

The textual sender must consist of upper and lower case letters of the international alphabet:

  • ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYWZ (HEX codes 41 to 5A respectively),
  • abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxywz (HEX codes 61 to 6A respectively).

Digits 0 to 9: 0123456789 (HEX codes 30 to 39 respectively).

The use of spaces is not allowed.