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In this section of the reserved area you can purchase a package of credits and see how many SMS you can send with each package, based on the destination country. The validity of your credit package is 2 years and payment is made in advance. To extend the expiration simply purchase a new credit package.


In this section, you can choose whether to allow all your lists to freely access your credit package, or you can set a spending limit for each list.


In this section it is possible to see a temporal report of the credits spent, divided by list. By accessing the details of a list, it is possible to see the messages for which credits have been sent. All information can be exported in Excel format.


Credits are not transferable to third parties, nor refundable or transferable to different platforms.

Expiring credits

What happens if you don't use expiring credits?

On the expiration day of expiration, the expired SMS credits will be subtracted deducted from the total credits that are not assigned to specific lists. If these are not sufficientcredits are insufficient or equal to 0, the remainder expired credits will be proportionally deducted in a proportionate manner among from those assigned to different lists.

To find out how many check the total of unassigned credits there are, consult the page in the Credits > Credit Allocation platform which you can reach by clicking on please refer to the Credits > Assign Credits page on your platform (accessible by clicking "SMS Credits" in the menu on the left, at the bottombottom-left menu).


The expiration day always refers to the Italian time zone.

How to use expiring credits?

Plan your SMS campaign now to ensure the utilization of expiring credits. Please note that you need to use non-expiring SMS credits first.

Example: If you have 50 expiring SMS credits and 20 non-expiring credits, you must first use the 20 non-expiring credits to consume the 50 expiring credits.


Credits are not transferable to third parties, nor refundable or transferable to different platforms.