(S)FTP-based data synchronizations are not available out-of-the-box (additional costs may apply), contact your sales representative for an estimation.

(S)FTP Data synchronization are not available to MailUp trial accounts

An (S)FTP import datasync allows to import recipients and related demographic data into your MailUp account by uploading a .csv file onto an SFTP server.
Using this service you decide when running the file exchange that leads to importing data in the account's database.

An instance of a (S)FTP Import Datasync (hereinafter referred as to an Instance) will be configured to import email addresses, SMS mobile numbers or both, in one or more MailUp Lists. Along with the key fields Email and Mobile number, specific subset of recipient fields can as well be imported.

The setup process includes:

Every import session handled by the SFTP Datasync will be logged in the MailUp web application so that the result of each import process can be checked from the MailUp user interface at the Import status section.

Where and how you want to import recipients

Lists and Groups

(S)FTP Data Sync Import to add and update recipients:

  • into one specific MailUp List
    The Instance will be configured at the setup stage so that all of the recipients are going to be imported into one defined MailUp list.
    In this very case you can import recipients into a specific MailUp Group, too.

  • into several MailUp Lists and Groups
    Destination lists and the groups can be indicated for each and every single recipient included in the csv file, so that it won't be necessary to create more than one file in order to import recipients that belong to different lists or groups.
    In this case the CSV file must include the specifc columns (i.e. idList and IdGroup or ExternalGroupName)  that indicate the destination list and optionally the destination groups, when needed.
    The Instance will be configured at the setup stage to read and use these fields.

Destination groups must be created beforehand in the MailUp web application, at the page Recipients > Groups

List IDs and group IDs are listed at the page Settings > Codes table

Incremental mode or Full mode

Incremental import implies a csv file containing only the changes since the last import, while the Full import mode imports the entire database every time, replacing previous data. 

The Full import mode can be configured at

  • List Level
    • The subscription status of any existing subscribed recipients not included in the file will be updated to unsubscribed 
    • The subscription status of any existing unsubscribed recipients included in the file as subscribed (optout field =1. See subscription status paragraph for further details) will be updated to subscribed, with the exception of the Subscription status of Recipients unsubscribed due to hard bounce.
  • Group Level
    • Any existing recipient in the group who is not included in the file will be removed from the group
    • Any recipients included in the file will be added to the group.



Subscription Status

It is possible 

  • to import all of the recipients contained in the file as subscribed or as unsubscribed.
    The Instance will be configured at the setup stage so that all of the recipients will be imported in a specific subscription registration status.

  • If the Instance imports recipients as subscribed, Subscription status of recipients already registered as unsubscribed won't be altered in their subscrption status. They will stay as unsubscribed
  • If the Instance imports recipients as unsubscribed, Subscription status of a recipients already registered as subscribed will be updated to unsubscribed
  • or to import recipients contained in the file as subscribed or unsubscribed based on data provided in the CSV file.
    Recipients' subscription status can be specified for each recipient contained in the csv file so that it won't be necessary to create more than one file to import subscribed and unsubscribed contacts.
    The CSV file must include a column (optout) to indicate the Subscription Status of each recipient.
    Instance will be configured at the setup stage to read and use that column value to rule the subscription status as follows:
    • When the value of the column is 1, the recipients will be imported as subscribed.
    • When the value of the column is 0, the recipients will be imported as unsubscribed.

  • If a subscriber is already registered in the destination list as unsubscribed and is imported as subscribed, its subscription status is updated to subscribed. Subscription status of recipients previously unsubscribed due to hard bounce won't be updated.
  • If a subscriber is already registered in the destination list as subscribed and is imported as unsubscribed, its subscription status is updated to unsubscribed.



It is possible to import all recipients

  • only into MailUp email context: recipients are going to be imported using only their Email address
  • only onto MailUp SMS context: recipients are going to be imported using only their Mobile address
  • or into both MailUp email and MailUp SMS contexts, where the recipients are imported using both Email and Mobile number as a key.

Based on how the instance is configured the CSV file is to include columns that display the email address and/or the SMS phone number that identify the recipients in MailUp.

  • When importing a mobile number, if it is provided without area code, the default area code (for the list he's being imported to) will be used for that mobile number.
  • It is very important to check the correct syntax of email addresses, i.e. that there are no forbidden characters or spaces. Spaces before and after the address are trimmed automatically during the import process.




Fields Mapping

The Instance will be be configured at the setup stage so that it can associate the colums of the CSV file with the personal fields of your MailUp account.

The CSV file structure/layout is 100% configurable, it requires to comply to a correct correspondence between the fields in the file and:

  • The CSV your CRM produces should look like the following:

email;name;second name;Location;Job Title;idlist;subscription_status
  • You want the CSV file to Update the recipients data in your MailUp account.
  • Your MailUp Account has beforehand configured the following Recipient fields:
    • email address,
    • field 1: name,
    • field  2: second name,
    • field 3: Title;
  • you aren't interested to store the location of subscribers.

In this case, the columns in every row will be bound to the following personal data fields:

Csv Fields MailUp fields 
email address
3second name2second name

5Job Title3Title
destination List

In case of empty personal data fields, their column has to be specified anyway

email;name;second name;Location;Job Title
name.surname@myprovider.com;John;Smith;Everywhere;   -> Last field is empty
name2.surname2@myprovider.com;Martha;Smith;;Manager  -> fourth field is empty
name3.surname3@myprovider.com;;Smith;;Operative      -> second and fourth field are empty

File Properties

Recipients’ fields Data is always imported as text and fields must not contain more than 200 characters

it is possible to set:

  • the character to be used as a field separator, keeping in mind that just one type of separator is allowed in a file and that the separator should not be used at the end of a line, after the last field.
  • the text delimiter enclosing the column values

If needed, the first row of the file can contain a header row that gives the columns a name.

email,name,second name,Location,Job Title

email;name;second name;Location;Job Title

email;name;second name;Location;Job Title


Additional Properties

For every configured data sync, once a file is uploaded to the SFTP location (on the MailUp server), the import process will be carried out and completed as soon as possible (the execution time depends on the number of recipients and the columns the csv contains). 

If preferred, a third party FTP / SFTP server can be used for the file exchange. If you are using your personal FTP server, the import will be executed at the schedule defined in the configuration.

  • The instance can be configured to overwrite existing field value saved in MailUp when then csv columns are empty, as opposed to having the data sync to ignore entirely the csv columns displying no value.
  • You can configure one or serveral email addresses that will be notified with an email message with the result of the import process every time a file is imported.
    Multiple addresses must be added separated by ; (semicolon).

email1@mailup.com;email2@mailup.com;email3@mailup.com  -> The instance will sent a notification email to these three addresses for each processed csv file.