Published — v. 5
List dashboard

List dashboard

When you access one of your lists, you will see a start page, called the 'Dashboard', which contains a number of key pieces of information.

  1. Sending volume: A graph of the number of sendings, whether email or SMS, made in the last 6 months.
  2. Last sent: Statistics and subject line of the last message sent.
    a. Click on the open rate to go to the detailed open rate report.
    b .Click on the click percentage to go to the detailed clicks report.
    c. By clicking on the subject of the message, you will see the preview and an action button to act on the message.
  3. Calendar of scheduled mailings: Calendar view of email messages that have been scheduled. By clicking on a day, the right panel shows the detail.
  4. Sending: Detail of email messages that are in the process of being sent.
  5. Last modified messages: Last 5 messages that have been modified, with date and time of last modification. By clicking on the subject, you will see a preview of the message and an Actions button to act on it.
  6. List Details: The main information about your list. Clicking on the Actions button in the top right corner allows you to change the preferred list (the one you land on after logging in) or to see the properties of the current list.
  7. Recent postings: Last 5 messages sent in the last 90 days to more than 100 recipients, with number of unique sends, opens and clicks. Click on the subject line of a message to go to the statistical report of that message.
  8. Where emails are opened: chart of desktop vs. mobile opens
    This dashboard is also accessible from mobile, simply by accessing your platform from the login page.

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