Published — v. 6
GetListIdentity_st allows to retrieve the identifiers of a list in MailUp, starting from an external ID. When integrating with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the identifier is ORGUNIQUENAME.
For new integrations with MailUp it has to be preferred to similar method MailUpSend.GetListIdentity.
Method parameters
- string GetListIdentity_st(string accessKey, stringautoId)
- accessKey: access key obtained using the LoginFromId method
- autoId: identifier which allows MailUp to know if a list was created in an automated context or not. In the Microsoft Dynamics CRM it corresponds to the ORGUNIQUENAME.
Sample GetListIdentity_st request
GetListIdentity_st request
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ws=""> <soap:Header/> <soap:Body> <ws:GetListIdentity_st> <!--Use accessKey value that is returned by LoginFromId method--> <ws:accessKey>HzAgwRRJaAKBtkgNWpkAuURfV4SxMm6T3HJegRuSkUivKJElNNcmSQe8nqGyoM9</ws:accessKey> <ws:name>My new list</ws:name> <ws:autoId>MYUNIQUEID</ws:autoId> </ws:GetListIdentity_st> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Sample GetListIdentity_st response
The method returns a string in XML format containing the list identifier and the GUID of the List created in the MailUp console.
GetListIdentity_st response
<GetListIdentity_st> <errorCode>0</errorCode> <errorDescription></errorDescription> <Lists> <List Guid="94abaa1a-e215-4c3d-8a9c-5c66b8" Id="8" Name="Magazine"></List> <List Guid="c650b304-b2b1-401a-8610-e889ef" Id="9" Name="Advertising"></List> <List Guid="9a9cd0fe-e4d0-4411-bc95-cd12df" Id="14" Name="Special offers"></List> <List Guid="bb258302-6623-467a-a7d8-d069c4" Id="11" Name="Service"></List> <List Guid="54cd9955-b686-4a3f-9a4f-c4a089ff39f5" Id="17" Name="Partners"></List> </Lists> </GetListIdentity_st>
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