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By 10/16/2013 entered into force the AGCOM (Autorità Garante delle Comunicazioni) regulation No. 42/13/CIR  regarding the rules for the testing of the Alias that is the sender of 11 text characters that normally is used as the sender of your SMS messages.

The spirit of the rules is to allow subscribers of mobile communication services to track the actual sender of SMS through a simple call to the customer service of your service provider.

Pratical speaking a data base database will be activated at AGCOM so to collect all the personal info related to the Alias being used.

Every customer who wants to use a textual Alias as the sender of the SMS message must communicate to AGCOM, via the console, : personal info and a point of contact for the Alias used. In case of non-registration sender, or with registration of a legitimate sender, sending SMS message will occur regularly but the sender will be replaced with a numeric or will not be delivered.


You can continue to send SMS as before, but be careful to use as the sender of your SMS a legitimate value (see below). When AGCOM will complete the DB, you will be asked for the inclusion of personal data in the company and a contact point for complaints concerning the processing of personal data.

What are the rules because an Alias sender is is considered legitimate?

Should facilitate the identification by the recipient of the subject responsible for the content of communications or of the good or service offered by the same, reducing the possibility of inducing a false detections. Must be so It has to be clear who is the sender of communication. It must be distinctive, not detrimental to the rights of others and not misleading to fort the recipient. " The sender can't start with a number. For example are illegal:

  • simple names of person ("Raffaella")
  • names and lastnames not related to the business name of the company and which do not denote the  profession (e.g. instead of "MarioRossi" use "Lawyer Rossi ")
  • generic names or common used (eg. "event", "Mum", "Attorney", "comedian", "dry cleaners", " legal, "State school" etc.)
  • simple words like Greetings


If you are a private person (without VAT number or fiscal code number), you will have to abandon stop sending with textual ALIAS senders. As a sender, you'll need to use an existing phone number.


The same alias can be assigned to multiple companies?

Yes, for example if exist BarPippo spa exists in Rome and a second BarPippo srl in Milan, both of which are entitled to use the sender "BarPippo". In case a final recipient an sms asking to your operator the details of the sender of a MESSAGE, the operator will check with AGCOM and will result in two companies.

I am a retailer/Agency, what shall should I do?

The In the MailUp console will be available a new section where the reseller will register aliases on behalf of its customers. Each alias should include the company's final masterinfo, not the dealerreseller's one. Resellers/agencies who resell access to the console directly to their customers, leaving the end will leave the customer filling out the form. Every list will then have a pre-set sender and its registry responsible for sending. For example if the Agency PippoADV Ltd. making submissions on behalf of Pirelli, or resold to Pirelli, will enter service in the registry associated with the sender "Pirelli" Pirelli corporate data, not by PippoADV srl


All data entered will be used exclusively for recording in the AGCOM DB AGCOM, which will be available only by access operators (Vodafone, Tim, Wind, H3G, etc.). These will be able to question him entering an ALIAS (eg. BarPippo) and receiving as a result of BarPippo data (without details on the Agency/dealer nor the manufacturer of the console).


Apply the same procedures of Italian an italian company

What happens if I do not respect the rules and use of illegitimate senders?
