Published — v. 18



The response of CreateList method is different from many other MailUpSend methods because it includes "errorCode" only when call is not successful. If this inconsistency is critical for your client application you can use CreateList_st method instead. CreateList_st is the recommended choice if you are starting a new integration with MailUp.

Method parameters

CreateList method allows to create a new list in MailUp, using default values for lists.

This method is used when an external application managing several companies/brands uses one single MailUp console. An example of this is the integration between MailUp and Microsoft Dynamics CRM: one CRM system and one MailUp console allow to manage different companies. Adding a new company is an operation entirely managed in the CRM system, which then creates within MailUp a new list, independent from the others.
We recommend to limit the number of lists, in order to preserve the optimal performance of the MailUp console.


  • string CreateList(string accessKey, string name, stringautoId)
    • accessKey: access key obtained using the LoginFromId method
    • name: list identifier
    • autoId: identifier which allows MailUp to know if a list was created in an automated context or not. In the Microsoft Dynamics CRM it corresponds to the ORGUNIQUENAME. If this value is null, or an empty string, the list will not be associated to an automatic creation

 Sample CreateList request

CreateList request
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ws="">
          <ws:name>My new list</ws:name>

Sample CreateList response

The method returns a string in XML format containing the list identifier and the GUID of the List created in the MailUp console.



<List Guid="Guid" Id ="X" Name="nome"/>


</CreateList >

The XML string will have the following features:

  • A root node <CreateLists>.
  • A node <Lists>, contained in the root node.
  • A node <List> with the attributes Guid, Id and Name. These contain respectively the GUID of the list, the ID of the list and the name of the list provided at entrance. 

In case of errors during the creation of the list, the XML will have the following structure:



<List Guid="Guid" Id ="X" Name="nome"/>


</CreateList >

The XML string will have the following features:

  • A root node <CreateList>.
  • A node <Error>, contained in the root node, returning the error message.

CreateList method will also create the folder to which the CSV files containing the data of the users to be imported will be transferred via FTP.